Carnival Date (Hayes Only)

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Hayes POV
I'm so exciting for my date with Ana. I'm taking her on a carnival date. Since I can't drive yet I asked Jess to drive to us to the carnival and she said yes. I dressed in tan pants and a tye - dye shirt with black vans. Right now I was getting flowers for the Ana.

I can't believe me and Hayes are going on a date. This is like our third date even though we been dating for 2 months and I'm still nervous. Hayes picks me up in a hour and I still haven't found what I'm wearing.

I started looking through my closet and found shorts, with a black belt, tye - dye shirt, white vans, black beanie and to finish it off with round circle sunglasses. (Pic below) I straightened my hair and put raspberry lemonade flavored chapstick on. (A/n: Remember that Ana still has blonde hair)

I go downstairs and wait for Hayes. As soon as a Spongebob episode ends I hear a knock on the door. Opened the door to see Hayes with flowers. Awww.

Hayes POV
As soon as Ana opens the door a smile appears on her face. How much I love that smile.
Still daydreaming about Ana I stick my arm out handing her flowers while saying these are for you.

"Nice shirt!" Ana said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh! Yeah thanks... I like yours too!" I said realizing we have the same shirts just that her shows her belly alittle

"You ready to go?" I asked and she nodded

I grabbed her hand and opened the door for her and me getting in after.

Skip drive


The car came to a stop and we got out.

"Have fun you two!" Jess said

We waved goodbye. I started to look where we are at. A carnival. I grabbed Hayes hand and dragged to the entrance while we were both laughing. Our first ride was a little roller coaster. A couple rides later we shared cotton candy while walking around talking.

A couple hours later we went on rides, ate and played games. I won two prizes. One for Hayes, a purple giraffe, and me a blue lobster. It was a little dark outside so we were leaving soon. It's about 8 o'clock already. Hayes decided to win me a huge teddy bear and he won it.

"I can't believe that you won this for me! It's bigger than me!" I said while laughing

"Well, you won a giraffe for me so I decided to win a huge teddy bear for you." Hayes said while grabbing my hand and kissing it

We decided our last ride would be the ferris wheel. We talked the whole time and then we came to a stop a the top. Hayes grabbed my hands and stared at me.

"I love you." He said calmly

"When I first saw you I knew you were the one for me! I love everything about you. You're perfect to me. I love your smile, your laugh, everything. I'm sooo lucky to have as girlfriend. I love you Ana Lopez." He said while still looking at me.

I'm tearing up right now. I leaned in and kissed him. He quickly responded.

"I love you too Hayes Benjamin Grier and this is the best date ever." I said kissing him again

Hayes POV

We broke the kiss a couple seconds later. We got out hand in hand glancing at each other once in the awhile to the exit.

"I love you sooo much." Ana said

"I love you too." I said and kissed her again

It soon turned into a little make out session until we heard a honk which was Jess. We started laughing a little bit while walking to the car. We spent the whole car ride in comfortable silence while cuddling.

We arrived at Ana's house. I walked her up to her house to say bye.

"Bye" She said

"Bye" I said giving her a peck kiss then heading to the car and drove away

Jess asked how our date was so I told her everything. When we got home we ate dinner and talked about my date. I got ready for bed. I covered myself up and feel asleep thinking about Ana and our date.

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