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Hey! I'm Jessica Dallas and I'm 15 years old. And yes as in Cameron Alexander Dallas' sister. Me and my brother, Cam, were very close. We can go to each other for anything! Even if it was bad,sad, or good. Then one day Cam had to move away and leave me. After Cam left I completely changed into a total badass! It's been a month since he left. I got tattoos, sneak into places, go to parties, drink, smoke, and dyed my hair. First of all I never wanted to smoke but I only did it once or twice and second my hair used to be brunette now it's mostly blonde.


Jessica POV


Today I found out there's a party a couple blocks away from my house and I'm getting ready. I put on dark blue skinny jeans, a black muscle tee that says "BITCH" in white, a black beanie (hair straightened), and white converse.

I grabbed my phone and snuck out through my bedroom window. Luckily there's a tree right outside my window. I walked since it's down the street. I'm almost there and I can already hear music from 2 blocks away!! "I bet this party will be fun" I thought with a smile on my face.

I'm walk up to the house and see red solo cups everywhere and I see people outside and inside. "This person will be in so much trouble" I thought. As soon as I walk inside there's people who are sweaty, drunk, and probably horny.

I start walking towards the red solo cups and try to decide what to drink. I picked some strawberry flavored vodka. It burned my throat a little but once I started drinking more it went away. I already had two cups full and is about to start my third. I was about to take a sip but the police come barging in. Everything was a little blurred because the alcohol kicking in. Police men are everywhere trying to handcuff people. Then a policeman with dark brown hair, hazel eyes, tall and musclar grabs me. "Attractive much!! Good thing I'm not that drunk... well barely." I thought.

*skip drive to station*

As I walk into the police station I see a bunch of people... probably from the party. Then the attractive policeman up handcuff me and put me in a cell with other females. Five minutes later they FINALLY let me call my mom. When I tell her she wasn't suprised. I mean this happens mostly all the time or she's probably sleepy considering it's three in the morning. Mostly because it happens all the time. Next thing you know my mom is here to take me home.

*skip drive home*

When I got home I went straight to my room. I opened my door and it's empty. All my stuff was packed. I run downstairs yelling. I don't even care if it's four in the morning or if I wake anybody up!!!!

"Mom, why in the HELL is my stuff packed?!?!?" I yelled

"I'm tired of waking up to take you out of jail I had it and I'm done. Your moving with your brother." she said calmly.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys this is my first story and I hope you like this!!!! Me and my friend Victoria are making this. Her account is @BrOkEnHaRrYsS like it so far.

Follow me on my twitter @ItsTatiReynolds

Bye, love you guys

Cam's Rebel Sister ***(MAJOR EDITING)***Where stories live. Discover now