Date Night (Nash's only)

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Nash POV

When Jessica, Hayes and me got home everybody was already asleep. Considering it's 3 in the morning. We got ready for bed. Hayes went to his room while me and Jess slept in my room. After my night routine, I checked on Hayes and he was already passes out. I chuckled quickly trying not to wake anyone.

I walked in my room and found Jessica asleep on my bed. I joined her making sure to cover us both. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her forehead telling her goodnight even though she can't probably hear me. I closed my eyes trying to sleep. Then I felt a arm go around my waist and a head on chest. At first I tensed up but realized it was just Jess and relaxed. And with that I feel asleep.

*Next morning*

Jessica POV

Nash was standing in front of me. He was on one knee with a ring. Right when he was going to say something I felt someone jumping in the bed and calling our names. Let me tell you I am not a morning person sometimes. Especially when I don't get enough sleep.

I open my eyes to see a little girl with blonde hair. That must be Skylynn, Nash and Hayes little sister.

"Good! Now you two are up! Come eat breakfast, sleepyheads!" Skylynn said

"Okay. Thanks Skylynn. Meet you downstairs." Nash said in a husky, sleepy voice. "Gosh that was hot!" I thought. I told her she should wake up Hayes and she nodded and headed straight out.

Nash said I can use the bathroom first. I did my quick morning routine and got out of the bathroom. Nash was on his phone so I walked up to him and grabbed his face. I gave him a short sweet kiss and told him to go get ready. He said thanks and left.

Skylynn came in with Hayes telling me to come downstairs. I nodded and joined them. Skylynn was asking so many questions about me, I answered and asked her questions. I wasn't annoyed at all. She is truly adorable.

I got greeted by Nash's family. His mom is so nice. Will is very tall. His dog is so cute. And his step dad is funny. We ate breakfast laughing and telling jokes. Hayes told me to tell a joke. I told them I don't have any and I'm bad at jokes. Then I thought of one that Tati told me that will make Hayes laugh.

"What do you call a bear with no teeth?" I said/asked

"What!" Skylynn asked

"A gummy bear!" I said

Some smiled and some laughed. Hayes laughed so hard he spit his juice out and fell to the floor. I started laughing myself. Elizabeth cleaned up the mess and all the dishes while Skylynn dragged me to the living room. Will said he had to go so we said our goodbyes. Everybody else was in the kitchen.

Nash POV

I came downstairs to see Jess and Skylynn gone.

"Hey! The girls in the living room?" I asked

"Yes and why?" Mom asked

"Okay. I want to take Jess on a date." I told them. I told them my whole plan.

My mom was finding an outfit for Jess. Dad helping with the date. And Hayes and Skylynn distracting her.

I walked up to Jess.

"Hey! I have to go do some things. My dad order some stuff and I have to go get it. Sorry, I'll be back a soon as I can." I said kissing her forehead. She said okay and I was off for the plan.

Jessica POV

Nash has been go for hours and I miss him. Nash's dad came back but with no Nash.

"Jess, can you go up in Nash's room and get me a blanket please?" Liz asked. I nodded and went up stairs.

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