Carter's Date (Only)

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Carter POV

I woke up at 6. I planned a date for Tati. I decided on taking her to Disneyland. I did my morning routine and went downstairs to making breakfast. I'm wearing a black and white shirt, black sweats, white and black converse and packed black shorts if it gets hot. (His outfit in pic above)

In backpack ( did this before making breakfast):




•headphones/ear buds



•2 thin blankets

I started to make eggs, bacon, toast, and sausage while playing disney songs. (Sausage song .... not funny okay)

Tati POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I'm guessing Carter is making breakfast. I check my phone for any notifications. Not much. I realized it was 6:15 in the morning. "Why is he up so early!?!?" I thought

I got up and did my morning routine. I changed into my white spaghetti strap crop top, light blue shorts that shows my pockets, white vans, and a cream cardigan. (Outfit above) I tweeted "@ItsTatiGutierrez: Good morning my little sunshines! " and headed downstairs.

Right when I was in the kitchen my plate was served and "Under the Sea" was playing . I thanked him and got a cup of orange juice.

"So... why up so early?" I asked sipping my orange juice and lowering the music a bit.

"Well.. I wanted to do something special and ask you something?" Carter said/asked

"Oh... and what is the question?" I said/asked

"Will you go on a date with me?" He asked

"Of course!!" I said a bit loud while giving him a kiss

"So where is this special place?" I asked having my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist

"Disneyland!!" He said

I started jumping around like a little kid. Carter told me he had stuff packed already and I simply nodded. I put the plates away and headed upstairs to get my Minnie Mouse ears. I went to the bathroom mirror to a picture.

I post a picture with myself on instagram with the caption "@ItsTatiGutierrez: Going on a date w/ @carterreynolds at DISNEYLAND!!!" . I was going to take a picture but Carter came and asked to take it with me. Of course I said yes. Carter was behind me holding my waist and his head on my shoulder while I had one arm on his arm and my other free hand taking the picture. I captioned it the same.

Skip drive to Disneyland

Carter POV

We finally made it inside around 6:45. We went on the funnier side first which means where the Mickey Ferris Wheel is. After that we went to the other side around 11. I decided to take a picture in front of the flowery *don't know if that's a real word* Mickey Mouse plant. First we go on the train to every area in Disneyland. (Like Tomorrowland, Mickey's Toontown, Adventureland, etc.) When we got back to Main Street we started looking for our first ride. We were going to the castle so we took two pictures in front of it. One with our arms wrapped around each others and the second one of us kissing. And no nothing else happened. It was just a peck kiss.

During the middle of the day we went Splash Mountain. Tati took off her cardigan just in case she gets wet. There was one point where we thought the drop was coming but it was a false alarm. Then the big drop was coming. I grabbed her hand and told to make a face when we go down. When we got out and we were a little wet. We went to find our pictures and bought them.

At around 1:45 we took a snack. We decided to get a preztel and our own snack, almonds. After that we went on Space Mountain, Star Wars Tour, etc. We headed near the Pirrates of Caribbean ride. Since it was 4 we decided to eat lunch and a potty break.

After a couple minutes we went on the pirrate ride. Me and Tati were in the back of the boat. At the end she told how she liked the stars because how real they looked.

Tati POV

After the Pirrates of the Caribbean ride we went to the Haunted House ride. It was dark so it was the best time to go. When the lights went out Carter decided to scare me and vine it. The lights came on and Carter was laughing. I told him it wasn't funny and told everyone it was me who screamed and that i was sorry. i was little embarrassed and was hiding my face in Carter's chest.

When it was over it was 9 and we decide to eat dinner. We went on more rides and the parade started. Now here comes the fireworks. I vined some of it. Carter told me he was going to make a vine of us kissing in front of the fireworks. We asked someone to make the vine and take a picture.

The vine was when it was pointing at the fireworks and then us kissing. The picture was us kissing also. When we broke apart we said "I love you's". Before we left we got funnel cake. I also got a Stitch toy and a "Mrs." Minnie Mouse hoodie and Carter got a "Mr." Mickey Mouse.

By the time we got to the car I had already finished my funnel cake. I was jumping around like a little kid and Carter just laughing while vining me. Carter tried to open the door for me but I closed it and leaned against it. He asked me what I was doing and I told him I wanted to thank him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist while smirking. I told him had a wonderful time. He told me he loved me and told I loved him too. Our faces were only centimeters apart and he smashed his lips against mine. It wasn't long because we had little kids near us. Carter opened the door for me and I got in. He soon started the car and we were off.

*skip drive home*

Carter POV

We arrived home. We settled down and put everything away. I got changed into shorts with no shirt. Tati changed into a dark blue crop top with carrots all over it. Even though she doesn't like carrots which was cute. And to complete the outfit with black shorts that go mid-thigh.

We decided to watch spongebob marathons. During the theme song I started screaming/responding to I can't hear you part and she vined me. She captioned "He's such a kid (me)".

Tati started getting tired so I turned off the tv.

"Hey! Why did you do that?!?" She said

"Because you're tired so go to bed." He said

"I can stay up all night." She said

"Okay. I love you. Goodnight." I told her

"Goodnight and I love you too." She said

I gave her a much of peck kisses but soon turned into a make out session. She soon pulled apart and yawned. Sleepyhead. I gave her a quick peck kiss on her forehead. Her back was facing me so I wrapped my arm around her waist and pull her close. Seconds later I heard soft snores from her and soon I fell asleep.

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