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Gabby POV

I was on Cameron's back because he lost the game. We made a deal if whoever can beat the high score to flappy bird has to give the other person a piggy back ride when we land. Violet was definitely mad but I didn't care. Tati kept taking pictures of us and saying awww. Which made me have butterflies. I didn't want to take any more so I hid my face in his neck. He was flirting with me by saying "Don't hide your beautiful face." Or "I want to see your beautiful face in the picture." I swear Cameron is such a charm.

I asked if he can put me down so I can use the bathroom. When I finished washing my hands Violet came in. Great.

"Well, look who it is. Gabby the boyfriend stealer. I want you to stay away from Cameron. You got it." She threatened

"First of all I'm not a boyfriend stealer, second you don't tell me what to do and third what are you going to do about it." I said pissed off. I pushed through her to get out leaving her in there.

Tati saw me and knew I was pissed. Especially since Violet walked the bathroom going straight to Cameron. The whole magcon group was here to pick us up. I said hi to everybody and gave hugs. And then Tati asked if I was okay. I looked around to see if Cameron was around but wasn't since he's help putting the suitcases in the van.

I told the guys everything about Violet and me in the bathroom. Then we piled up in van and was off to the hotel.

*skip drive*

Jessica POV

We made to the hotel and grabbed our suitcases. Since wr have extra hands we had a some help. We checked in and made our way to the elevator. Nash told me we will make bed room assignments when we get to our floor. We got in and very was fine. Just the fact that Tati and Matt looks scared or nervous. Oh yeah she told me she's afraid of elevators and I'm guessing Matt too.

All of a sudden the elevator stop and the lights went out. We heard a high pitch scream and then the lights turned back on. Everybody started looking at Tati.

"What! That wasn't me! It was Matt!" Tati said. She was scared and nervous. Matt then murmured a sorry. Tati started freaking out and crying on Carter's shoulder with the Jack G, Gabby, Mahogany, Sammy, Hayes, Shawn, and of course me calming her down. Matt was freaking out banging on the doors, pushing the emergency button and Jack J, Nash, Cam, Aaron, Jacob, Taylor and Violet was helping him.

Five minutes later Tati was okay but she was talking just sitting down in the corner trying to relax. I fell bad for her. She was so scared so I decided to join her and she put her head on my shoulder. We gotten so close we're like sisters. Matt is better too. He's just trying to distract himself by talking to Carter. Then finally the elevator started moving. Me and Tati go up and as soon as the doors opened Tati and Matt ran out.

When we all got out we started deciding our rooms. Since there's eighteen of us and six bedrooms so that means three in each room. Good thing I got to know them in the van and elevator. Their fun to hang out with. Violet, I just tried to ignore her. Tati is really pissed out at her because her threatening Gabby. She was about ran up to her and slap but Jack G held her back.

Jacks and Sammy in one room and me, Tati, Gabby, and Mahogany in another which means one room with two people. Carter and Matt by themselves and Nash, Violet, Cam and Jacob. In the last room is Shawn, Taylor and Hayes.

When we got to the room Mahogany and Gabby said the will share a bed which means Me and Tati. Which I'm fine with. I'm a little worried about Tati. She hasn't talked at all. She's unpacking which remembers me to do it too. When we were done we decided to go see what the boys are doing. Tati said we can go along and she will be there in a little bit. I nodded heading to the door. I took one more look at her and she was just sitting there holding her stuffed monkey watching tv. So I left but feel bad for leaving.

Tati POV

As soon as the Jessica closed the door I burst into tears. I am so pathetic. I didn't need to react like that in the elevator. I'm an embarrassment. Especially to Carter. I don't deserve him.

I get up and go to my suitcase and grab my "special" bag. I go to the bathroom and lock the door. I open my "special" bag and take out my razor. Yes, I cut and I hate it. No one knows but Sammy not even Carter.I start cutting myself and drips of blood spilled out. I clean my razor and put it back. I clean the blood on the sink and my arm. I cry more because of the pain.

Sammy POV

All of the guys are in me and the Jacks' room. We hear the open and the girls walk in but no Tati. Violet is already in here but she was on her phone sitting next to Jack G. She was basically on top of him.

"Where's Tati?" I asked a little worried. I know I'm not her boyfriend but she like my best girlfriend. And I mean a girl that is my friend. We tell each other everything.

"She said she will come later" Mahogany said

"I worried about her. She's been quiet the whole time since the elevator incident. I mean Matt is perfectly fine now." Jessica said

"My poor Tati" Gabby said

Carter was going to get up to talk to her but I stopped him and told him I'll talk to her. He nodded his head. I left the room and walked to her room. Before I knocked I heard her crying. I walked without knocking, she turned around and quickly put something away. I walk over and gently grabbed her arm. She winced in pain and I immediately say sorry and ask her what's wrong.

She starts to cry into my arms. I pick her up and carry to the bed ask what's wrong and she tells me everything. That she cutted herself again. She shows where the cuts are and I almost cried. It was still bleeding but not that much and I grab her arm and kiss the wounds. She smiles which made me smile. She hugged me saying thank you.

"Will you promise to stop cutting. For me at least." I said letting go of her.

"I promise" She said

"Good and also need to tell the guys." I said. She nodded and headed for the door. Wait, I go back in open her suitcase and bag the bag full of razors.

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Getting rid of these." I said holding up the bag and I go into the bathroom grab all the razors. And now we headed back.

Carter POV

We were all waiting for Sammy to come back with Tati. Me and everyone else was bouncing her foot but Nash and Matt were pacing around. Violet didn't even look like she cared. I hate her. Then they both came in. Looked like they were crying. They both sat down telling us everything. I feel so bad.

I'm her boyfriend. I should protect her. Sam then shows us the razor and told us he will be throwing them away. I asked if I can see her arm and she just nodded showing us.

Violet POV

After Tati showed us her arm I went to the bathroom. I video taped the whole thing. From the beginning to end. This will be good. I went on twitter and posted the video. Magcon starts tomorrow so I bet she will definitely get hate. I caption it has "@QueenViolet: Who knew @ItsTatiGutierrez cuts!! You deserve it anyway!! Your such a slutt!!" After I posted it was trending. She was getting a bunch of hate.

Since I was in the bathroom for five minutes I got out. Everybody was gone expect for Cam, Nash and Jacob.

"Where's everybody?" I asked

"They went to bed since we have Magcon tomorrow." Cam said

"Oh, okay." I said. I told the guys goodnight and went in bed with Cameron.

"Love you babe!" Cameron said wrapping his arms around me. Ugh.

"Love you too and not now" I said pulling his arms off of me. I can tell he was upset because he faced the other way. He is so annoying. I don't even like him. I just doing it for fame and I already have a boyfriend. The guy I cheated on with Cameron at the party. He asked me out, I said yes and got his number. I felt my eyes get heavy and I fell asleep.


Stuff are going to be a little interesting. A lot of drama mabye. Comment on what you think and vote. Love you guys bye .


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