Lazy Day

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Tati POV

I wake up with the light blinding me. I check to see if Carter is sleeping and he is. He's a sleeper.He looks so adorable sleeping. I decided to take a shower and make breakfast without waking Carter. I grabbed my clothes, turned on the shower and got in. I took a quick shower and did my hair, brushed my teeth, and no make up. I wore a short sleeve red crop top that says "Geek" in white, gray joggers and white converse. When I got out of the bathroom Carter is still asleep. I quickly make eggs and pancakes for breakfast before Carter wakes up.

Carter POV

I wake up with the smell of pancakes. I quickly take a shower, brush my teeth and change my clothes before seeing Tati.

Tati POV

I was finished making the food so I placed them on the plates. When I put Carter's eggs on his plate I felt to arms around my waist.

"Hey! I made breakfast." I said

"Hi! And good cuz I'm hungry." He said


When we finished eating I got a text from Cam.



C="Hey! Can you guys come over? We're all going to hang @ my place to get to know each other?"

T="Yeah! Let me tell Carter and we'll be there in 10!"

C="Okay! See you then!❤"

T="Okay! Bye-bye!"


Carter POV

After breakfast Tati got a text so I went up to our room to watch tv. I was in the middle of a spongebob marathon when Tati started calling me.

"Hey! I'm in the room!" I yelled. She came in laying next to me telling me we're going to Cameron's. I said okay and we grabbed our phones, changers and other things we needed. Right before we left asked if she needed a hoodie since she gets cold easily and she said no I'm fine. But wait until you get cold. I thought and then we were on our way.

Cameron POV

After everyone ate I texted Tati to see if she and Carter can come over. Hayes was sitting on a bean bag chair, Nash next to my sister on couch which I'm fine with and on a different bean bag chair.

Hayes POV

Ana is watching tv while I whisper her jokes in her ear like "What do you call a bear with no teeth... a gummy bear!" That's her favorite joke and she laughs.

Jessica POV

Me and Nash are sitting on the couch talking about when he started vine and when I got my tattoos and piercings. When I finished talking the doorbell rang so I said I would get. My I opened the door it was Tati and Carter. "Thank god Tati's here when I talked to Ana she was really nice but her and Hayes are all lovey-dovey." I thought

I was hugging Tati and I didn't even realize it. "Sorry" I said but she said it's okay because she like hugs. I said hi to Carter and he said it back and I let them in.

As soon as we were in the living room everybody jumped up gave each other hugs and hellos. I guess they already know Ana especially Tati because they tackled each other like boys in football but less aggresive but they eventually stopped while laughing at each other. Cam subjected we play a game. He told everybody to get in a circle and we did while he got a empty cocoa cola bottle. And puts the bottle in the middle of the circle.

So basically whoever the bottle lands on they have to tell something about themselves.

It first lands on Cam and talks about our family, moving, becoming vine famous, meeting the guys and being sad about leaving me. Then Ana talking about where she was born, her moving to N.C., how shy and hard it was for her to make friends, her meeting Hayes and becoming friends and now dating. Then Hayes about his family, school, meeting Ana and dating her. Then Nash with the same with Cameron but the last part. It looked like he wanted to say something but was afraid to or just can't. Then Tati about her family, what happened in her parents car crash. I wanted to cry but I didn't I just teared up. It look like Carter was the only person who knew. She continued while sniffling, her moving in with her Nana, starting vine and youtube to distract from the pain, how she meet Carter with a collab and Carter starting to date. Then it was Carter.

Carter POV

The bottle landed on me. I told them about my family, what I like and hate. And the time I got ran over my a bike when I was little. There was a few laughs and smiles. Then I got to the part about Tati. I started to watching her vines and youtube. Then I followed her to her social media's. She freaked out at first then dm each other and exchange numbers. She told me she watches my vines and youtube and when she first saw me she thought I was cute and I told her the same.

I finally had the guts to ask her to do collab so we can meet in person. Face timing and Skype doesn't count. She put make-up on me blindfolded and I did it to her. We had to ask her Nana if we can borrow some make-up from her since she goes wear any. That's one thing I liked about her.

We hung out a lot after. We started as friends then more. When I mean more I mean friends with benefits. Like kissing, hugging and holding hands. No sex! Number one rule. Then I asked her if we can "hang out" but I was taking her on a date. She said yes. When I picked up I asked her on a date and she said yes. I drove her to this secret place where no one goes. It has grass, a little lake with a waterfall, and I set up a picnic. I brought her here because she always wanted to go to beautiful places like this. We had fun and before we got in the car I took her hands and mine, looked into her eyes and asked her out. She was shocked at first then smiled and said yes jumping into my arms and giving me a kiss on the lips. I took her home. And with that I went to bed with a smile on face thinking about my girlfriend.

Jessica POV

I wish I had what Carter and Tati has. I was so adorable. I want that with Nash . Tati snapped me out of my thoughts waving her hand in front of face. She told me it was my turn since I was the only person left. I don't know where to begin because how much stuff as happened. So I was silent or a minute. Then I began...


So thanks you guys for reading this. I have about 150 so thank you. I really didn't expect this much. And comment how you think so far. Bye... love you ❤.

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