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*The next couple of chapters will be about the last Magcon*

Cameron POV

I was angry and sad that I am the reason she's like this. I was right. Nash went to calm her which is a good thing. Ana had to go after Jess ran out and Hayes walked her out. Carter went to check on Nash and Jess. And Tati got me water trying calm me down. Carter came back taking a seat next to me telling me they fell asleep and Hayes taking a seat next to Tati. Which I'm not mad about. I get a call so went into the kitchen. It was Bart telling was one have one more magcon event which is our last one. He said he already called the others but not Nash, Carter, and Hayes yet. I told him I will tell them and if I can bring three people and he said yes to both things.

I hang up and went to the living room to find Tati and Carter cuddling on their phones and Hayes on his phone. When they saw me they separated, Hayes looked up from his phone and Carter asked who was it. I told them everything that we leave in three days and I told them I'll tell Nash he wakes up. Also that Tati can come which she was excited about, Jess, and my girlfriend Violet. They all gave a disgusted face when I said her name but I ignored it. Hayes looked sad because we all know Ana can't go and Tati asked if she can bring her friend Gabby. I said yes and she was happy. I think I meet her about five times. She's cute. What no I have a girlfriend which reminds me I haven't told Jess about my girlfriend so I texted her to come over.

Tati POV

I hate Violet. When I first meet her she was nice. The next day she changed. Not to be mean but she dressed like a slut and acted like one. She's all over Carter which I hate and the rest of magcon boys. Cameron hasn't even notice. All of us hate her. Even Ana. I don't know why Cameron even likes her.

One night she invited Ana and I to a party which we didn't want to go at all but we had to for Cameron. Ana and me had some fun and didn't drink much. By my suprise Violet didn't either. When the party ended we couldn't find her. When we did she was making out with a guy. I basically yelled her name. I was so mad I wanted to punch her right in the face. She walked over to us with a smirk on her face. She told us to not to tell anyone.

I did but expect for Cameron. We gave her one more chance because she makes Cameron happy. I heard the doorbell ring. Looks like the Queen of Sluts is here. Cam asked if I can go wake up Nash and Jessica and I nodded my head.

Nash POV

Jessica and I woke up to the sound of the doorbell. We sat up and I asked if she's feels better. She just nodded while smiling. "I like her smile. I think I'm falling for her. I wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt her. I just want her to be mine." The sound of the door opening snapped me out of my thoughts. It was Tati.

Jessica POV

"Good you guys are up! You feel okay, Jess?" Tati said

"Yeah" I said

"Cameron wants you to meet someone." She said

"Who?" Nash asked

"Violet" Tati said with a disgusted tone in the name and Tati left closing the door behind her.

"Great!" Nash said sarcastically

"Who is she?" I asked Nash. He sat me down and told me everything. That bitch. Who does she think she is treating my brother and friends like that.

"We should go since we've been in here for awhile now" I said and he just nodded

When we walked into the living room it was quiet. Nash was right. She is a slut. Cameron told us everything about Magcon and how they meet. Figures they meet at a club. Tati went in the kitchen to tell Gabby about Magcon and she back all excited that her friend can come. Everybody left to get packed.


*Three days later*

Tati POV

I'm so happy. We're leaving to Magcon but it's our last one. Which makes me a little upset. I've been to other Magcon events though same for Gabby. All of us which means Me, Carter, Cameron, Jessica, Nash, Hayes, and Violet are meeting up at the airport. Carter and I just arrived at Gabby ' s house since we're taking her. We have ten minutes to spare to meet with the guys at the gate. We all say hi and give each other hugs.

"Wait! What what are the seating arrangements? Gabby asked

"Well, It's me, Carter and Hayes in my row." I said

"In my row it's me, Jess and Violet. We sit next to yours." Nash said

Cameron POV

Aww man! Violet doesn't sit with me. Hey at least I have Gabby. She so beautiful. Her smile and everything. Wait, no I have girlfriend. I think I secretly like Gabby.

"And that leaves me and Cameron and we sit behind Tati." Gabby said

Right when we were done talking the speakers went on telling us we need to board our plane to Tennessee. *(I don't know where the last event was so I'm picking TN)*

We took our seats and instantly the guts start playing around or on their phones or taking a nap. Considering it's four in the morning. Since I'm not tired now I talk to Gabby.

Gabby POV

While the guys took little naps me and Cameron talked. I'm getting butterflies because of how close is to me. I like him and the others know. It's just that he has a girlfriend who is slutty. Yes, I know everything that has been going on because Taylor told me.

After a while everybody was up and me and Cameron were getting sleepy. Since I sit by the window I was going to put head on it. Cameron said I can put my head on his shoulder instead. So I did and with that we both fell asleep.

Tati POV

Everybody woke up from our little nap which lasted abut two hours. Then I saw Gabby asleep on Cameron's shoulder. Awww, they would make a cute couple and we all agree that Gabby is better for him than Violet.

I secretly took a few pictures of them sleeping. I checked what Violet is doing and she is still asleep. So send the picture the whole magcon group including Jessica and Ana but of course not Violet. When Carter, Hayes, Nash and Jess got it they looked at me smiling. They all replied with awww, #cabby, they're so cute, and hearts. I told them we can tease them with it and they agreed. Even Jess knows about the whole Gabby liking him, they are better together and Cameron likes her too.

Hayes and I decided to vine it a caption it "Cameron and Gabby sleeping ❤" Since we had another three hours and had nothing else to do we just talked, watched movies or listened to music.


The character Gabby is @Gabbyxm

And I have 201 readers yay!

Bye, love you guys!❤


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