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Tati POV

I woke up with dry tears on my cheeks. It was 7am and didn't start until 10 so I decided to take a shower. When I got out I dried myself and applied my makeup. Just concealer and mascara. I put a black crop top, light blue skinny jeans and black converse.

When I got out the guys were up. I slept in Carter and Matt's room last night and probably for the rest of the event.

"Good morning cupcake!" Matt said

"Good morning!" I said and he went to the bathroom.

"Good morning beautiful!" Carter said kissing my cheek while I sat next to him. I said good morning back and checked my phone. I started to cry. I had a much of hate saying me to kill myself and you deserve to cut. How do they know. Then one account had a video of the whole conversation of me talking to the guys about me cutting. The account name is @QueenViolet. This is obviously Violet. This is her account.

Carter asked what's wrong and just gave him my phone I got up and went to my suitcase to get my cutter. But then I remember Sammy took them all. Carter came up to me and said sorry. I turned around and cried into his arms. He called my Matt and told him to get everybody but Cam and Violet and he did.

It was 8:15 by the time Carter told them about everything. Jessica and Gabby were about to beat the living crap out of Violet. I asked if we can somewhere so I can forget about this and since I going to Magcon I'm definitely going to get hate in person. And of course the girls decided to go to a club. I agree and we went.

Of course Cameron and Violet came. We didn't drink. We just talked and danced. I was having fun with the guys and girls, Gabby and Cameron talked and danced together and Violet went who knows where.

Cameron POV

I was having fun with Gabby. I decided I actually do like Gabby but I still love Violet. For some reason in the car everyone was giving Violet a mean look, didn't sit next to her and Tati looked sad and mad.

"Hey can we take a break and talk?" I asked Gabby. She nodded and I took her hand and led her out the crowd. I had butterflies in my stomach just by touching her hand. I never had his with Violet not even when we first met.

"So what's wrong with everybody?" I asked. She took a deep breath and me everything. First it was when she cheated on me and I was going to cry because I love her and mad that she would do this to me. Second that she liked me and I told her I like her and what I felt about her. Third what she did to Tati that made me really pissed out. When I didn't have Jess, Tati was like a sister to me.

I told Gabby I want to be with her and she said her too but we have to wait. I went to find Violet and everybody was behind me. I found Violet but she making out with a guy. She saw me and I ran out of there with her and everybody behind.

We went to the hotel. When we got in the room I yelled at her. She didn't even care. I wanted to slap her but couldn't. I confess that I don't love her I love Gabby. The whole time I thought she was the one but actually it was Gabby the whole time. And what she did to Tati that crossed the line. I told her we're done.

She said she doesn't care and that she never liked me. That guy she was kissing was the guy she first cheated on me and is dating. She took her stuff and left. We had one hour until Magcon so we watched a movie. We decided to watch The Maze Runner since Dylan O'brien is in it. Gabby wanted to watch something else so told the guys we're watching a different movie in my room. We the movie started I asked can this be a date and she said yes. I tweeted me and Violet are done and she cheated on me.

When Divergent was over I asked if she can be my girlfriend. She said yes but we agree to keep it a secret from the fans. We went back to the guys and they were talking. Tati better. Good. Now just have to announce me and Gabby are together.

"Hey! Guys me and Gabby are officiall!" I said holding up our hands. They cheered and said finally. We decided to get ready for Magcon and headed downstairs. It 9:50 and people were already here and the set was up. We went backstage. Before we started we did little speeches. Now it was time.


Sorry if this is short.

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