Girl Meets Brother

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Matthew Residence

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Matthew Residence

Ashlynn was sitting on the couch with Auggie turning down every babysitter that her brother and sister-in-law were suggesting. After a while, Riley comes home. "I'm late. I'm late. I know I'm late!" "Seven minutes." Ashlynn was looking at her niece with a blank look, along with Cory and Topanga. Maya looked at her best friend. "Say nothing. Keep walking." Ashlynn silently walked to her room while everyone was discussing Riley's 'unacceptable behaviour'. She walked into her room and phoned Aiden.

Ashlynn smiled when she heard Aiden's voice. "Hey, baby!" Aiden was also smiling on the other side of the phone. "Hey!" "When are you coming over?" Aiden whined. The boy was hungry and wanted cuddles. "I will be there as soon as I finish packing my bags, baby." Ashlynn was silently laughing at her boyfriend. "I thought you were packing your bags like 20 minutes ago?" Aiden was confused and curious about what kept her. "I was. But I got distracted by Cor and T trying to find Auggie, a babysitter." Ashlynn smiled sheepishly. While Aiden burst out laughing. "I can picture that happening."

Suddenly Ashlynn can hear Lucas shouting from another room. "Is that Ash on the phone?!" "Yeah!" Lucas tackled Aiden to get the phone. "Hey, big sister." "Hey, baby brother. How have you been?" Lucas smiled. "Good, can't wait until you come over. Aiden's boring me." "Hey!" Ashlynn was laughing as she answered. "Well, I finished packing my bag. All I need to do is say goodbye." " Alright, see you soon, Ash." "See you soon, Luke." She heard the phone getting passed back. "I love you, baby." "I love you too, babe."

Ashlynn hung up the phone and walked into the living room with her bag. She was going to sleepover at the Friar's because Lucas, Aiden and her were going to have a movie marathon. Ashlynn walked towards the front door and sat her stuff down, turning to her family when she heard her nephew say, "I would put my life in her hands." She walked over as she teased her niece. "I know I wouldn't."

"Aww. Auggie, you want me to babysit you?" Riley asked, smiling. Auggie nods. "Yes. I trust you. Catch me!" Auggie starts falling, but his aunt is quick to catch him and hug him close to her. "Ten bucks an hour." Riley bargains with her mother. Topanga looked from her daughter to her sister-in-law to her son, then back to her daughter. "Ash caught the kid."

"Five bucks an hour," She reasoned after turning to look at her brother in her aunt's arms. Topanga shrugged as Cory turned to his youngest. "Hey, Auggie, you want Riley to be your babysitter?" "Riley makes me smiley." He smiled at his family.

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Matthews Residence

Ashlynn was making sure everything was packed and ready for her to go. She just got a text telling her that Aiden was outside. When she was walking towards the door, she saw her brother and sister-in-law. "Wow, you guys look great!" "Thanks, Ash." Cory smiled softly at his baby sister.

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