Girl Meets Day Out

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Lucas and Zay, best friends since childhood, were lying on the luxurious brand-new couch, their gazes lost in a sea of thoughts. Their minds were consumed by the mysterious and intriguing events involving Riley, Maya, Ashlynn, and Aiden, each twist and turn adding to the enigma. 

Ashlynn walked into her living room, smiling in amusement at the two boys. "What are you two up to?" "Nothing," the Babineaux boy answered, Lucas, nodding with his best friend. Since Aiden is working, why don't we three do something?" The two boys rolled onto the floor, groaning in pain, before jumping to their feet. "Yes!" 

Lucas, his face lighting up with a mischievous grin, hopped on his toes. "Can I take the wheel?" Zay, his eyes widening in fear, shook his head vigorously. Her laughter bubbled, and Ashlynn tossed her car keys to the Friar boy. 

She draped her arm around Zay's shoulder, their strong camaraderie evident as they made their way to the car. "We'll be fine," She reassured him. "Oh, I know, but I must tease him." The two friends exchanged a knowing smirk before fist-bumping, a testament to their unbreakable bond.

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The trio sat at a table, looking through the menu, debating what to order. Soon, a waitress in her mid-twenties took their order before quickly leaving.

"So, Ash?" "Yesss?" She suspiciously looked at the Babineaux boy who for once was looking grave. "When are you and Mister Lover Boy deciding on getting married?" Ashlynn smiled, looking down at her engagement ring. "Not long after Christmas. Well, that's what's planned for the minute. Then, we are planning a week or two for our honeymoon; we haven't decided yet. We are waiting til we decide on the destination first." 

Lucas smiled, sharing a look with his brother in everything but blood. "We are delighted you're going to be our sister." Ashlynn smiled softly at the two boys facing her. "Well, you two are already my annoying little brothers," she teases the two. "But I don't need to marry Aiden to make you two that."

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Zay and Ashlynn looked at Lucas, who was looking sad at the table as their food came out. The former nodded, concerned. "What's wrong, brother?"

(Does anyone know where I got 'brother' from? If so, I LOVE YOU)

Lucas looked up before quickly looking back down at his food. "I don't want a relationship with Riley or Maya anymore. I'm sick of being trapped in this triangle. Having to split my attention between the two, and if I don't give them it both equally, it's a big deal. But I don't want to break their hearts." His words were filled with frustration and empathy, a struggle that both could deeply resonate with.

Zay looked shocked but didn't know what to say to his friend. "Lucas?" Ashlynn waited until she got his full attention before continuing. "I know you're confused and tired of being pulled between the two. My best advice is to talk to both of them. It would be best to get through to them if you spoke separately and together." The young woman gently grabbed his hand. 

"I think you need to move on, brother," Zay shrugged before stuffing his forkful of food into his mouth. Lucas looked at him and was gobsmacked, while Ashlynn just laughed. "I love you, Zay," Ashlynn admitted when she finally regained her breath. 

"But, Lucas, sometimes it only takes you once to meet the one, while other times it takes a few times. It would help if you found someone who respects you and your boundaries. And when you meet them, I'm sure the girls will be supportive." Lucas nodded with a smile before excusing himself to the bathroom.

Zay looked towards the older girl. "You think they will be supportive?" The Matthews' girl quickly shook her head. "Oh no. But he needs the push to do something for himself finally." "Oh, you sneaky!" The Babineaux boy exclaimed, smirking. "But on a serious note. Do you think you have someone in mind for me as well?"

Lucas laughed as he sat back down, and the young adult answered. "Yes, I do. Someone for each of you."

"Alright, onto our fun day adventure!"

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Everyone was startled as three young people ran past them with an angry peacock running after them. 


"You just had to pet the stupid bird!" 

"Shut up and run!"

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Matthew - Friar Residence

The boys and Ashlynn were curled up on the sofa, crying and shouting at Titanic, which was playing on the TV. They had snacks, blankets and pillows sprawled everywhere.

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"So, dinner?" The two boys' heads quickly spun to look at the girl. "Pizza!" Ashlynn laughed, grabbing her phone. "Okay, okay."

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"Hello? I'm home!" Aiden called out as he took off his jacket, quickly placing his shoes and coat beside the door. He followed the laughter to see his fiancee, brother, and brother in all but blood dancing around the living room. The two boys spotted Aiden sneaking up behind Ashlynn and shared smirks before laughing at her loud shriek.

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Sitting down on the now clean floor in the living room with the pizza between the four of them. "So?" Aiden smirked. "What chaos did you cause today."

"Went to that cafe for breakfast-"

"- Then we decided on going to the zoo-"

"- Got chased by an angry peacock-"

"-Watched Titanic-"

"-Cried over Titanic-"

"-And now here we are."

"Wha-" Aiden caught himself off while he stared at the three in shock. "How did a peacock end up chasing you three?!"

"I/Zay tried to pet it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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