Girl Meets Legacy

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Matthews' Residence

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Matthews' Residence

Aiden walked out of his fiancee's bathroom, running his hands threw his hair. He stopped chuckling as he finally noticed his fiancee staring at the new jewellery in amazement and disbelief. Hearing the familiar chuckle, the girl looked up and grinned. "I still can't believe it." She wrapped her arms around him. "It's so shiny, but I feel like I've seen it before?"

"Well," he looked down at her, pulling her closer. "It might be because you saw it in a certain store window. Hey!" He suddenly exclaimed as the girl kept hitting him with a pillow. "Stop hitting me!" "That ring was expensive!" "So! You!" Kiss. "Are!" Kiss. "Worth!" Kiss. "Every!" Kiss. "Dollar!"

"It's official!" The couple pulled apart, startled, as they looked over to see the youngest Friar crawling threw the window. "My love life is complicated, and I don't know what to do!" Finally releasing their startled reactions. "Did I interpret something?" Ashlynn hugged the boy as his older brother awkwardly smiled at him. "Do you need a ride to school?" Lucas laughed before nodding with a smile.

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Aiden's Car

Ashlynn turned around to face the younger Friar with a smirk. "You know, Cory will have a lesson somehow planned around this, right?" Lucas sighed, dropping his head, "I know, I dread it." Aiden chuckled, looking back at him. "Well, if you need any support, we'll be there for you, okay?" Lucas smiled at both, feeling the dread wash away a bit.

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John Quincy Adams Middle School

"Legacy!" Cory shouts, looking at all his students before noticing that Farkle has been replaced by a goose and staring at the animal, confused. "Why is Farkle a goose?" Riley looked at the bird, then her father. "That's the Einstein Academy Goose." "Oh! Of course. The Einstein Academy Goose," Aiden chuckled at the teacher before pointing out the obvious, "Why is it on Farkle's desk?"

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