Girl Meets Maya's Mother

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Abigail Adams High School

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Abigail Adams High School

Ashlynn was leaning against her locker when suddenly her phone beeped. She sighed when she saw another text from her niece. A frown replaced the smile she once wore as she read through the message. Aiden walked towards Ashlynn and wrapped his arms around her from behind, whispering in her ear. "Why is there a frown on the pretty little face of yours?" Ashlynn giggled, leaning back into his chest. "Riley has been texting all day."

The two teens have gotten closer, but they still haven't confessed their feelings for each other. They act like a couple without actually dating or kissing. Aiden has met Josh over FaceTime. The two have found out that they have a lot in common, especially being protective over Ashlynn.

"About what?" Aiden asked, kissing her temple. "As you know, Maya is extremely good at art. As you've seen the paintings she's painted me in my room," Aiden nodded for her to continue. "Well, their school is having an art exhibition, their teacher wants Maya to include at least one painting. Maya doesn't want to do it. But Riley is going to do it anyway and wants my help."

Aiden was confused about what to say. Ashlynn saw this and continued her rant. "I love Riley. I do.  If I was her age, I don't think we would be friends. I don't like people who can't stay out of my business when I tell them to." Aiden burst out laughing. "Okay, why don't we go to class and get your mind of this before you explode." Ashlynn giggled before grabbing his hand and walking away.

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Matthew Residence

Ashlynn was sitting eating dinner, bored, as she listened to her family, mostly Riley, talk. Her head, laying in her hand. "They've been lying to us, Auggie," Riley said, looking over the table to her younger brother. "Your artwork would not be hanging on a single refrigerator outside this apartment." Auggie looked up at his mom, stunned. "You said I was a little genius!"

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