Girl Meets Texas (1)

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John Quincy Adams Middle School

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John Quincy Adams Middle School

Ashlynn sat on Lucas' desk talking with the said boy and hid best friend about having another movie night with her and the older Friar brother. They also invited Farkle, who joined them. Zay stood between the girl's legs and her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Both Lucas and Zay agreed that the older Matthews' girl was like their older sister, and they found comfort in her.

Aiden walked in and jokingly punched Zay in the side before leaning his arm on his brother's shoulder. "Don't be stealing my girlfriend." "Oh, I just might." The small group chuckled as Maya and Riley walked into the room. "We have changed the life of somebody in this room!" "Oh please, not me," Zay pleaded as Ashlynn squeezed his shoulders as they both giggled.

"I'm happy with my life the way it is. I got tall, and my teeth came in nicely." "I'm happy as well with my life." The elder Matthews' girl grinned, thinking about her friends, family and boyfriend. Aiden nodded in agreement from sitting on Lucas' chair, leaning back with his arms. "We're not talking about you four," Maya clarified, glancing at the youngest Friar brother. "Oh, no," Lucas walked closer to the two girls.

"What'd you do?" Riley had a comfortable smile on her face. "Oh, Lucas. In your whole history, we know what has been your biggest regret." Maya made a sheep noise. "What's that? Why would you do that?" Lucas asked, a bit afraid as he stared at Maya. "I think there's a shell about to land and go bang," Aiden mumbled, closing his eyes.

"You used to be a champion sheep rider at the mutton rodeo until you fell of Judy, the sheep," Maya declared to the youngest Friar brother while his brother snorted. "Then you gave up, but you never got over it," Riley continued while her best friend sadly shook her head. "That's my darkest secret! No one knows I fell off Judy the sheep except-" Lucas cut himself off as he turned to look at his best friend and brother.

Aiden held his hands up. "Don't look at me, bro." "They made me, Lucas! They made me!" Zay exclaimed with wide eyes. "How did they make you?" The Friar brothers asked in sync while crossing their arms. "I said you all want to hear a great Lucasstory? They said yes." Ashlynn stifled her giggled into her shoulder.

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