Girl Meets Date

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Matthews Residence

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Matthews Residence

Riley and Maya walked into Ashlynn's bedroom after hearing bangs and thuds coming from it. They see her throwing clothes out of her closet onto piles of clothes. Those are all around her room. "Aunt Ash, what are you doing?" Riley asked, getting over her shock before Maya. "I have no idea what to wear," the older teenager sighed, pulling her hair into a messy bun.

"Wear for what?" Maya asked after sharing a look with her best friend. "Uh- I have a date with Aiden, and I have like nothing to wear for it." She looked at all her clothes that were thrown around the room and sighed. "Mom!" Riley shouted at the same time, Maya shouted. "Topanga!" Topanga rushed into the room, thinking someone was hurt. "Who's- Woah, Ash, what happened to your room?"

Riley turned to her mum, smiling. "She's got a date with Aiden." "Then I don't see the problem." "I have like nothing to wear for the date, and it's in a couple of hours." Ashlynn started pacing around her room. Topanga walked to her sister-in-law and softly grabbed her shoulders. "Okay, breathe. We can go shopping for a cute outfit. Where are you going?"

"We're going to-" She stopped herself before a confused look became over her face. "I forgot to ask." "Call him, then we'll go shopping and good luck telling your brother." "I already told Josh." "The other brother." "I already told Eric." "The other brother." "I already told Shawn." "The other brother." "I already told Jack." "Ashlynn." She warned. "Fine... but after I phone Aiden." When she finally found her phone under the pile of clothes. She unlocked her phone. She clicked on Aiden's contact and put him on speaker.

'Baby Boy💙' They had each other's names on their phones as 'Baby Boy💙' and 'Baby Girl💜'. "Well, hello, beautiful." Aiden greeted with a grin on his face. Lucas smirked at his brother while making kissing faces. Aiden shoved him, Lucas fell off his laughing. When he finally calmed down enough to grab the phone, he put it on speaker while Aiden glared at him. "Hello, baby," She ignored the people behind her. "I might have wrecked my room trying to find an outfit. But I don't know where we are going, so I don't know what I'm going to wear?"

"I'm not telling you what we're doing, but wear something comfortable because you'll be beautiful whatever you wear." "I will. I'll see you later. I love you, baby boy." "I'll pick you up at eight. I love you too, baby girl." Ashlynn thought she hung up while Topanga told the two younger girls and told them to go and get ready. "You love him, don't you?" Topanga smiled at her sister-in-law. "Yeah, I do. Aiden is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Other than my family, including you, Shawn and Jack, of course. I don't think I would change anything in my life because I probably wouldn't have met Aiden, and I probably wouldn't have met Lucas, who has become like a younger brother to me."

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Friar Residence

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