Girl Meets Father

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Abigail Adams High School

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Abigail Adams High School

Ashlynn was standing at her locker, grabbing her books and putting them in her bag. She suddenly heard someone shout. "Lynn!" She turned around just to be picked up and spun around. She giggled, putting her arms around his neck. People in the hallway stopped what they were doing to look at the two. They smiled and mentally awwed at them. Everyone in the school loved the connection between the two. They also had bets on when they would get together.

Aiden put her down and grinned at the girl. "God, did I miss you." Ashlynn laughed, shaking her head at the boy. "Aid, I was only gone for a couple of days. I missed my twin." Aiden just shook his head. "I don't care. It was way too long." He threw his arm around the girl's shoulders. "Let's go to class. What did the trouble twins get up to then."

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Matthew Residence

When Riley walked through the door, she saw her aunt at the table doing her homework and her mum in the living room with her baby brother. "Mom, can I ask you a question?" Auggie looked towards his sister and smiled. "You can ask me a question." Ashlynn couldn't believe how cute her nephew was. "It's a girl thing, Auggie." Riley smiled down at him. Auggie looked at his sister, offended. "You think I don't know about girls?" Riley thought about it for a second. "Okay. I'm at a certain age were..."

Auggie interrupted her and walked over and sat on his aunt's lap. "I don't care." He whispered to his aunt. "Do you know where this is going, Aunt Ash?" Ashlynn whispered back. "I think I have a clue, Little Spy." She kissed all over his face, sending him into a fit of giggles. When the two turned back to the conversation, they realised they missed a part of it. "I know a lot of things are going to happen, " Topanga told her daughter, glancing over at Ashlynn. "Which one is this?" "Makeup," Riley replied. Topanga and Ashlynn shared a look before sighing in relief in sync. "Oh, good." 

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