Girl Meets Texas (2)

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Pappy Joe's Residence

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Pappy Joe's Residence

"Whoa. Gentlemen, look how lucky you are." Pappy Joe smiled as the three girls walked out of the house onto the porch. The man turned to face the four boys. "You treat them right." Farkle, Zay and the youngest Friar brother look up and become shocked at the two younger girls.

Aiden became speechless as he caught sight of his girlfriend. Ashlynn looked up and smiled at her boyfriend before walking up to him. She nervously looked down at her outfit before asking the boy in front of her. "Is this okay?" "You look-" He smirked, looking her up and down. "Stunning, Lynn."

The Matthews girl smiled, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's neck, his going around her waist, pecking his lips. Zay and Farkle looked over and spotted the couple. The two boys shared a look and walked behind them. Zay pretended to twirl his imaginary hair while Farkle pretended to flirt back.

Aiden pulled his girlfriend to his side as they laughed at the boys before they threw their arms around their shoulders. The group of four walked over to the reaming three teenagers. "Aiden, Zay, we're heading to chubbies." "YES!" The New Yorkers shared confused looks before following the three boys.

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The group watched, shocked as Farkle ate a plate of ribs and BBQ sauce all over his face. "More." Farkle's eyes widened as he finished his food. Ashlynn chuckled as she started to clean the sauce off his face. "Easy, cowboy. You need to calm down," Lucas told the boy, a bit concerned."

Oh, I have to calm down?" Farkle asked the youngest Friar. "They make a big deal out of your brother riding a bull for four seconds. Well, I ate him." Ashlynn giggled as she placed the napkin down. "All clean!" "Aiden!" Everyone turned their head to see a five-foot-tall girl running to the older Friar brother wearing six-inch heels.

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