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Ashlynn stood in the kitchen, lightly swaying and humming along to the radio, cooking breakfast. She had persuaded Mrs Friar, her fiance's mother, to return to bed while she continued to cook breakfast. The woman hesitantly agreed before going back to her room. Ashlynn glanced at the group of friends sprawled around the living room. Aiden, her fiance, was lying on the couch facing the back while Izzy and Jake, their best friends, shared the recliner seat. She chuckled at Lucas, Farkle, and Zay, the three babies, lying (mostly hanging off) on the air bed.

The Matthews girl jumped, hearing a chuckle from behind her. She turned to see the Friar's parents, who she thought went back to sleep, taking photos. Mr. Friar, a jovial man, laughed at the girl with wide eyes and her hand on her chest. Ashlynn chuckled, realizing who it was, before returning to the food. "Have a seat, and breakfast should be ready in a few minutes." The couple chuckled before Mr Friar shook his head. "You didn't have to. But since you insisted, let us set the table." The man quickly backtracked, seeing the look of warning on the young woman's face.

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