Girl Meets First Date

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John Quincy Adams Middle School

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John Quincy Adams Middle School

Ashlynn and Aiden had decided to spend the day in Middle school. The two teens were bored and had nothing better to do. Seniors always finished before middle school, so Cory allowed them to spend their free time in his classroom. When the two teens walked into the room, their conversation stopped when they spotted Riley sitting on her desk.

"What did we just walk into?" Ashlynn muttered to her boyfriend, her eyes not moving from the scene in front of her. Aiden didn't answer her as he just stood there with wide, confused eyes and a confused look on his face. "Dad, are you out of your mind?" Riley looked at her father in shock. Ashlynn, not moving from her spot, looked at Riley with a raised eyebrow. "Out of all this, that's what you are questioning?"

"Riley, it's time for the talk," Cory told his daughter, completely ignoring his sister. Ashlynn shared a look of disbelief with her niece, while Maya and Aiden shared an amused look. "In front of the whole class?" Cory's daughter questioned him. As the father looked away from his daughter, he spotted Lucas outside the door. He then turned to the blonde best friend.

"Yeah, give her the talk." The blonde chuckled. "Let's see what you got." "Okay, when a daughter-" Cory started. Aiden and Ashlynn's eyes widened, staring at the older man in shock. "Stop!" Riley stopped her father from talking. Cory spotted Lucas coming through the backdoor of the class from the corner of his eye. "Excuse me." He ran from his daughter to the backdoor. He quickly shut it and put his weight against the door to stop his student from coming in. "Not today, Chachi!"

Lucas opened the door with ease even, with Cory still against the door. "Sir, you've known me All year. You like me, admit it. You like my big brother with your baby sister. What's the difference." "I don't want to admit it." Cory denied stubbornly. Before he glared over at the older teens, his sister sitting on his desk chair spinning slowly and her boyfriend watching her amused and loving. "My parents like your brother, so I don't have a say in it." He spared one more glance to the couple. "She'd probably date him anyway. Somehow finding a way from me to like him as well."

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