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PETER USUALLY NEVER gets jealous, when he does he doesn't show it or he just lets it go

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PETER USUALLY NEVER gets jealous, when he does he doesn't show it or he just lets it go. But this was different, it was fifth period and they were assigned partners to do a project. And both peter and y/n were upset they didn't get each other, but out of all the people she was paired up with josh, a popular jock. He was the quarterback for the football team and he was good, almost all the girls liked him. Peter was assigned with a girl, her name was katie and she was pretty, but she wasn't y/n. "What should we do for our project?" Katie asked him, Peter turned his head towards her finally paying attention.

"Uh i don't know, maybe you could choose?" he tells her looking back at y/n and josh who were laughing. She looks at him and nods hesitantly "oh okay" she says and writes down some ideas. Peter looked at katie then back at y/n, he tried to tell himself to not get jealous but he saw when y/n pushed josh's shoulder playfully and all peter wanted to do was go over there and punch the guy. Though peter knew better and he tried to pay attention to katie since she was his partner, "okay so maybe we could do a solar system?" she asks hun. "Hm yeah yeah sounds like a good idea" he gave her a small smile.

She nods and sighs, peter notices this. "Look i'm sorry i just have some things on my mind but the solar system idea is actually a great idea" he tells her feeling guilty. She smiles back at him, "it's okay i get it and do you want to the project at your place or mine?" she asks him putting down her pencil. Peter thinks for a moment "uh my place is fine" he tells her. She smiles and was about to say something till the bell had rung, "uh we'll see you later" she tells him and peter waves at her. He looks at y/n and sees she is still talking to josh and instead of waiting for her, he leaves to go to lunch.

Peter argued with himself, should he have waited? he asked himself. Yes he was a bit angry but he tried to hide that anger, peter went to the cafeteria and got lunch. He sat with ned at his usual table and waited for y/n, he looks at the double doors and his leg goes up and down in anticipation. He noticed y/n walk in and to no surprise she was walking with josh still laughing and smiling. Ned had noticed his best friend looking at them and was confused as well "why is y/n with josh?" he asks him. "They are partners in a project" peter replies to ned in a sad sort of angry tone.

Before Ned can say anything y/n sits down with them, "hey guys" she says cheerfully. Ned waves at her, and she looks at peter. She furrows her eyebrow but decides not to say anything, "so what's up" she asks them. Yet no one answers, "tough crowd" she says and drinks her juice. Peter turns his head a little to look at y/n, he wanted to talk to her but he was afraid he was accidentally going to lash out. So he kept quiet, picking at his food. "Sup losers" michelle says sitting next to ned, "finally someone who wants to talk" y/n says. "What's wrong with these bozos?" she asks her.

Y/n just shrugs her shoulders, michelle slowly nods. "Anyways y/n how has your day been going?" she asks, "it's been good, how has yours been?" y/n asks her. "It was okay i have math homework though which sucks" she tells her putting her hand down on the table. "You see that's how you have a conversation" y/n tells peter and ned, they just nod. "Okay what's going on with you two?" she questions them finally having enough. "Nothing" they both reply. "well something has to be wrong if you guys aren't talking" she tells them. Peter sighs and finally looks at her.

"We're just not having a great day like you okay" he says to her. Y/n looks at him shocked at his small but affective outburst, "Peter did i do something wrong?" she asks him putting a hand on his shoulder but he just shakes it off. "Go ask your new friend josh" he says, peter wishes he hadn't said that but there is no going back. "Wait is this about josh and i being partners for the project?" she asks him, "maybe" he says shrugging his shoulders. "It's not like i picked him, they are assigned partners" y/n tries to tell him. "Yeah well it looked like you two were getting cozy, laughing and smiling playfully pushing his shoulder" he says chuckling slightly.

Ned and michelle just sit there watching the catastrophe unfold, "why are you being like this, what was i supposed to do slap him?" she crosses her arms. "Yes" he says to her, "wow i can't believe you, you are getting mad for no reason" she tells him. Peter shakes his head "how would you feel if i was laughing and smiling with katie" he tells her. Y/n doesn't answer "exactly" he says, "i wouldn't act like this" she says to him. "Well you might want to rethink that because she's coming over to do our project" he says to her.

Y/n looks at him eyes slightly wide, "what?" she asks, "yeah she is coming over to do our project" he says as a matter of fact. "Well since you want to be with katie so much then go sit with her, no you know what go be with her if you're so jealous" y/n says and gets up from the table storming off. Leaving peter sitting there, sighing he shakes his head, "dude i think you overreacted" ned tells him. "You think!" she says, peter looks at them. Maybe they were right, maybe he did overreact, but how could he not get jealous when she was being super comfortable with him. basically forgetting about her boyfriend. Peter didn't want to think about it right now, he had a project to worry about.

YAY I UPDATED FINALLY! and the tea is hot in this chapter, peter is jealous and y/n is angry. will it end? you'll find out in the next chapter! lmao anyways i hoped you enjoyed and remember i love you guys and thank you for 8k almost 9k reads! it means so much to me! <33

𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ↬︎︎peter parker Where stories live. Discover now