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Y/N WAS SO CONFUSED on how jealous peter was, she understood how uncomfortable he might have felt but to do all that was unnecessary

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Y/N WAS SO CONFUSED on how jealous peter was, she understood how uncomfortable he might have felt but to do all that was unnecessary. She was furious, so she took a walk. She slid her back down a tree and sighed, she looked up at the clouds and thought about her life back home. sure her universe wasn't as exciting as the universe she is in now and i mean she's dating peter parker but she misses her mom and dad, hell she even misses her sister. She wonders how it is back there, do they miss her? did they think she was kidnapped by old creepy men and they are now looking for her?

Is there a clone back in her dimension so it looks like she is still there? So many questions that she has no answers to, she doesn't want to go back just yet but she wants to know if her family is okay. Someone taps her on the shoulder and she turns around, "oh hey josh" y/n says to him. "Hey, what are you doing here all alone?" he asks her. "just thinking" she turns her head back. "Can i sit with you?" he asks, "uh sure" she scoots over a bit so he can sit down. They sit in silence for a while.

"what are you thinking about?" he looks at her, "just life" she turns to him. he nods at her, "are you okay?" he asks her genuinely. "yeah just tired didn't get a lot of sleep last night" she lied to him. he makes an 'oh' sound with his mouth and everything goes silent again. Y/n hears the bell ring for their next class and she has peter in that class so she is nervous and not excited at all. Josh walks her to her class, "thanks" she tells him, "no problem" he gives her a thin-lipped smile.

Y/n sees peter and doesn't make eye contact with him, she sits down and doesn't say anything to him. Peter looks at her and he frowns a bit, he didn't mean to make her upset he was just jealous. He saw that Josh walked her to class so he didn't say anything either. Y/n knows why peters upset but she doesn't even like josh that way, she's just being friendly. But peter doesn't see it that way, he knows josh likes her he can see it. Y/n doesn't think so, she thinks he's too being friendly.

As soon as school ends y/n gets up and rushes out of the classroom, usually she walks with peter to the tower but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. She reminded herself that he was going to Katie's house, y/n rolled her eyes. She sees michelle coming her way, "hey dude" she says. "hey" y/n says back, "are you and peter still fighting?" she asks. "do you see him here?" y/n says a little bit rudely. "sorry i'm just a little frustrated i lashed out at you when you did nothing" y/n says turning to her to apologize.

"dude it's okay if i were you i'd do worse" she chuckles. Y/n smiles a bit, "hey do you wanna hang out? i want to take my mind off peter" she asks the girl in front of her. "yeah sure i'm pretty hungry" michelle agrees. "where do you want to go?" y/n asks her as they walk. "i'm in the mood for pizza, what about you?" she says, "yeah me too" they walk to the pizza place that's a couple blocks away.

Peter doesn't see y/n anywhere but he remembers he has to work on the project at katie's house. He spots katie and walks up to her, she's with some friends. "Hey katie uh so are we gonna work on the project?" he asks her. "oh yeah! cmon my house isn't that far from here, bye guys!" she waves to her friends and they just giggle slightly. "So i was thinking we could do our project on astrology you know like the planets?" she tells him.

"yeah that sounds good" he nods at her. "you like astrology?" he asks her trying to make conversation. "yeah ever since i was little i was obsessed with the stars and planets" she does the debby ryan. "oh that's really cool" he tells her. "what do you like?" she asks him. "well i like stuff that has to do with science" he shrugs. "ohh that sounds fun" she smiles a bit. "yeah it does" peter sighs. "what's wrong?" she asks him. "oh nothing just a little stressed with school" he lies to her.

"yeah i feel you i have three tests coming up and i have to ace them all or i'm grounded" she shrugs. They get to her house and she uses her key to open the door, "my mom isn't here she's at work" she informs him. Katie puts her bag on the counter, peter looks around. "you want anything?" she asks him. "oh no i'm alright" he smiles. "okay well let's get to work" she tells him. Meanwhile michelle and y/n are laughing their asses off while eating pizza.

"michelle i'm gonna pee!" she says laughing. "i'm gonna choke on my water and die from drowning" she says laughing as well. they calm down a bit, people are staring at them but they don't care. "we can't go anywhere i swear" y/n says, "yeah" she chuckles. "do you feel better?" michelle asks her, "yeah i do" she nods and smiles. "cmon it's getting late" michelle tells her. They pay for their food and walk out of the restaurant. "what do you think peters doing right now?" she says to michelle.

"honestly i don't know but i do know he would never cheat on you, yeah he's acting stupid right now but he does love you." she tells her. "wow michelle jones is talking highly about peter parker would have never seen the day" she jokes. "yeah me either" she looks at her. "i just hope he comes to his senses" she tells michelle. "yeah boys are stupid" she tells her. "yeah i don't even know why boys exist" y/n agreed with her. "exactly what do they even do?" she questions. "besides be idiots and misogynists nothing" she tell her. "you got that right" they laugh and continue to walk together.

it's been a while- lol anyways here's chapter 15 sorry it was like two months delayed i haven't had any motivation and was super busy plus writers block. anyways thank you so fucking much for 12k reads! like holy shit you guys really do like this i didn't think anyone would read this tbh i remember when i had 500 reads. you guys mean the world to me and i love you all <333

𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ↬︎︎peter parker Where stories live. Discover now