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PETER FELT THE hairs on his neck stand up, his spidey sense was going haywire

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PETER FELT THE hairs on his neck stand up, his spidey sense was going haywire. He didn't know what it was though, all he knew was that y/n was in trouble. He quickly swung to the avengers tower, he landed at y/n's window. Peter knocked, but there was no answer he tried opening the window but it was locked. He broke the window, he didn't care. "Y/n" he called out but no there was no answer. He checked everywhere when he went downstairs, not to mention it was 3 in the morning. Everyone woke up and went up to him. "Y/n, y/n where's y/n" he started to panic, he couldn't loose her.

"Woah Peter calm down what happened?" Steve asked, "my spidey sense went off and i knew y/n was in trouble, so i swung to her window and i knocked but she didn't answer so i broke the window sorry mr stark and i looked everywhere and she's not here someone or something must of have took her" he rambled trying not to cry. "Kid it's okay, we are going to find her" tony looked at him and hugged him. Peter sighed in his arms, "mr stark i don't want to loose her" he says in a whisper. "I know kid, we don't want to loose her either" Tony says closing his eyes, he was worried.

Tony loved her like a daughter, or well something like that because he thought of Peter as a son and they were both dating so it would be weird. He felt connected to y/n, and he will do anything in his power to find her. "From the looks of her room she was putting up a fight" Steve said to everyone, "but how come we didn't here?" Clint asked. "Whoever kidnapped her must have either tapped into Friday or have some sort of power to make it inaudible" Bruce told them. "But why?" Natasha asks, "What if it has to do with the reality stone" Peter says playing with his fingers to keep him calm.

"What do you mean?" Steve asks, "she's connected to the stone right, what if someone like thanos or his minions took her" Peter says getting up. "But how would he have known" Clint says, "well y/n did say he would come looking for the stone, what if this is it?" He turns to them. "The kids onto something" Tony says also getting up, "but if he took her, that means she would be in space" Bruce says and they all look at each other. "He's right, she would be on his spaceship" Vision pipes up, "but why didn't he take the stone rather then y/n?" Rhodey says. "He knows that she isn't from here, he wants her for information" Wanda says to them.

Peter sits down sighing, he looked out the window while the others were discussing. He smiled sadly, he was going to find her. Peter owed it to her, he was going to make it his mission to get you back. He missed her, even though it's only been a day she has been taken. He misses her smile, he misses her laugh, he misses how she was so sweet but could kick someone in the balls in a second if she had to. Peter just misses everything about her, a tear falls down his cheek and he quickly wipes it off. "Peter you follow?" Steve asked, "hm yeah yeah" he says and turns back to them.


Y/n didn't know where she was, all she knew was that she was taken by ugly looking dudes. Though she could barely see their faces, she got glances and she saw that they were hideous. She was in some sort of jail cell, she figured it was a spaceship. She was sort of excited but then she remembered thanos must have kidnapped her. Sighing she started to play with her fingers, "i'm starving" she yells hoping someone could here. "You kidnap me and don't even feed me!" she shouts, "can you shut up" the ugly dude who had kidnapped her walked in. "I am-" he was about to finish when y/n cut him off, "Ebony Maw i know" she says looking up at him.

"Ah so you do know everything" he says looking at her intensively. "Yeah what about it?" she mumbles. "Well it is our duty to find out how and why you know so much information" y/n laughs, "ha you said duty." Ebony sighs "you are so childish, anyways thanos should be here to get the information out of you" he smirks. Y/n gulps, she had to admit she was a little scared but she wasn't going to show it. "Go ahead do whatever you want to me, it's better then living" she says sarcastically. "Very well, i'll tell that to the master" he says and starts to walk away, "wait i'm still starving!" she yells at him but he doesn't turn back, he just continues to walk away.

"Ugh" she groans, there was a bed in there but it was hard as fuck. She sits on the bed and starts talking to herself, some people may think it's weird but she just wants to preoccupy herself. "i miss peter" she whispers to herself, "i miss wanda, i miss nat, i miss tony, hell i even miss steve and his overprotective ass" she starts to tear up. "Now now don't cry my child" a deep voice makes y/n jump. She doesn't turn though, she knows who it is. "Cmon face me so i can see your pretty face" he says to her. She cringes at this, "face me or i will make you face me" he says more stern this time. She sighs and turns to face him.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" he says more calmer this time. Y/n looks at him disgusted, "i think you know why i brought you here" he stands up. "Kidnapped" she corrects him, "right" he nods. "Well i have been watching you for some time now" he says and opens the cell. Y/n backs away, "no need to be scared child" he says, "of course i should i mean look at you" she tells him. He chuckles, "i do look quite scary dont i" he says looking back at her. "I won't hurt you if you cooperate" he says to her. "I want you to tell me what you know" he kneels down in front of her. "You have to be more specific" she says to him.

"Tell me about everything" he looks in her eyes making y/n flinch. "I can't say" she looks down, "and why can't you" he furrows his eyebrows. "If i do, it might never happen. Meaning if i tell you about everything, you won't win" she looks at him. "Puny child" he says caressing her cheek making her turn her head. He gets mad at this action and grabs her face, "now a beautiful face like yours shouldn't be ruined" he gets closer to her. Y/n closes her eyes, "tell me or i will punish you" he whispers to her. She gulps, not saying anything. "I guess we'll have to do it the hard way" he says to y/n.

"This could have gone a different way child, i didn't want to hurt you but you leave me no choice" he says and grabs her by the hair, dragging her. She yelps, tears rolling down her cheeks. Thanos drags her to this dungeon looking place and she could see different torture machines. Her eyes grew wide, she was scared shitless. Y/n tried to fight back and get away, "now now if you fight back, i will have no choice but to make it harder for you" he says sternly. He put her on this tabled and strapped her down, "p-please dont" she pleads to him. He looks at her sadly but nonetheless pushes a button, making y/n scream in agony.

ik ik sad, hopefully the avengers can save y/n or not who knows. i love you guys and i hope you enjoyed this chapter! <33

𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ↬︎︎peter parker Where stories live. Discover now