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Ever since the day Shota spilled the beans about his friends to you, he's been avoiding you.

It has you lost and confused. You wonder if you did something wrong. You wonder if the fact that you told Nemuri anything made him mad at you. It's had you quite stressed for the last few days.

The only times you've spoken to him was when babysitting hours were over and it was always a quick goodbye.

Mina has noticed your troubled mood lately and decided she's going to do something about it. "Y/n l/n!" she yells as she bursts into your room.

You roll over and look at her with sleepy eyes. You groan as you whine, "What Mina."

"Get your ass up. Stop moping around just because a man won't talk to you!" she yells, pulling you up out of bed. "We're going to the club tonight so get dressed."


Mina glares at you and states, "No buts. You don't have to sleep with anyone. Just come and have a good night."

"Fine," you groan out.

Mina smiles, happy with what she accomplished before leaving your bedroom.

You sigh as you walk towards your closet and pick some clothes out to wear. You put on a matching white skirt and top. Instead of wearing heels, you just put on a random pair of white flats from your closet.

Lucky for you, your skirt has pockets. You slide your phone into it and leave your room, not even caring to do your makeup.


Once you've arrived at the club, you are left alone. Mina went with a girl from school named Toru to dance and Ochako went with Izuku. All the other people you actually hang out with weren't able to come, so you are left alone.

You sigh as you sit at the bar, remembering the first time you came here. You order a drink and look around at the place. You look down the hallway to see people going in and out of different rooms.

You can see Mina and Toru walking into a room and you giggle to yourself. Ochako and Izuku are sitting on a couch laughing with each other and talking as they drink.

You turn back around and give the bartender a polite smile as she sets your drink down in front of you.

For the next half hour, you drink cup after cup of alcohol. The bartender has started talking to you by then, enjoying your company. You eventually realize that none of your friends are going to come to you any time soon and you dial Shota's number on your phone.

Shota picks up, "Hello? Y/n?"

"Hiiiiiiii! Shotaaaaaa!"

"Are you okay?" he asks, feeling worried.

You giggle. "I'm fineeeee. My friends left me though and I got bored so I called youuuu!" you exclaim.

You can hear Shota sigh on the other side of the phone. "Y/n I'm coming to get you. Stay there."

"Ooh~ Are you going to punish me?" you ask with a giggle.

"No y/n. Just stay on the phone. I'll be there in a few minutes."


You set your phone down on the bar and swing your legs as you wait. You listen to the movements of Shota through the phone as the bartender gives you another drink.

As you are waiting, three guys walk up to you and sit around you. You don't take notice of it until one of them touches your thigh causing you to squeak. "E-Excuse me. Can you not touch me there?!" you squeak out, feeling scared now that you realize all three of them.

Rather than replying, the guy starts to move his hand up under your skirt. "H-Hey! Don't touch me!" you yell, slapping his hand away. The man doesn't listen as one of the others starts moving their hand up your other thigh. "S-Stop!" you scream.

No one can hear you over the loud music in the club. The bartender you were talking to went to the back to get some more drinks.

You grab your phone and put it to your ear as you go to get up. The third guy pushes you back down on the stool and you can feel tears starting to swell up in your eyes.

"Sh-Shota! Hurry please!" you cry out as you continue trying to get up.

"Y/n?! Hold on. I'm a minute away."

One of the guys takes your phone from your hand and says, "Don't worry man, we'll take care of her." He then hangs up your phone and throws it onto the bar.

They start pulling you off the stool, one of them with their finger against the edge of your panties. You are crying and push the one away. He topples back and falls on his ass, an angry look appearing on his face.

Within seconds, they are trying to pull you away again and you continue fighting back the best you can. Before they can get any further than a few feet, a punch lands on one of the men's faces.

The man topples backward, his side hitting the bar. You see Shota through teary eyes as he punches the other two guys. Shota leaves the guys and hurries to you. Without saying a word, he pulls you to him and wraps his arms around you.

You break down, pushing your face into his chest as he tries to comfort you. "We need to get to the car y/n," he says, trying to be louder than the music so you can hear him.

You're unable to speak as the sobs won't stop, just tightening your grip against his shirt. You lean away from his chest, your grip staying how it is. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Shota." You apologize with tears streaming down your cheeks as he leads you out of the club, grabbing your phone from the bar along the way.

As soon as you are outside and in the quiet, you keep apologizing. Shota makes you look at him and says, "Stop apologizing. None of this is your fault," he tries to reassure you. "I should have killed those bastards."

He wraps an arm around you as you walk to his car. He unlocks it and opens your door for you to get in. The tears haven't stopped as you get in, pulling your legs up to your chest. Shota jogs around the car and sits in the driver's seat.

Before even paying attention to starting the engine, he leans over the center console. He turns your head to his and looks at you with worried eyes.

"Did they do anything to you?" he asks you, afraid he didn't get there in time.

Your eyes look around due to your nervousness. Shota cups your face with his hands and looks you in the eyes. "Did they hurt you or anything y/n?"

"N-no. One of them... th-the closest they got was the outside of m-my panties," you say quietly, more tears rushing out of your eyes as you think about it.

An angry expression shows on Shota's face as he thinks about the fact that they practically assaulted you. He figures the guys have already left the club by now so he can't exactly go back and deal with them.

Shota kisses you on the lips and you slightly flinch. "Sorry-" you say, now feeling worried about everything.

"Stop apologizing. None of this is your fault." He leans over and grabs the seat belt, buckling you up. You quickly text Mina and Ochako, letting them know you left with Shota before sliding your phone back into your pocket.

Shota buckles himself up and starts the car. You start fumbling with your hand's and Shota grabs one of them. He holds your hand as he drives home.


Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!!!!

Any Thoughts?!


Mr Wanna Die [Shota Aizawa x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now