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Almost two hours later and you are the first one to wake up. You snuggle yourself against the warmth you are feeling, not yet realizing that it is Shota. You let out a breath of relief, happy that the headache is gone for now.

Never have you ever been in this much pain when one of these attacks on your body happens. Finally opening your eyes you quickly realize the warmth you are feeling is coming from Shota.

You actually enjoy the position you are in and don't move as you wait for him to wake up. You've noticed the bags under his eyes and how hard it is for him to stay awake as he teaches in classes. Some days Shota is able to sleep in his sleeping bag, but the days he has to teach he just looks exhausted to you.

It doesn't help that he's stuck taking care of you for the day although you would have gladly gone back to the dorms and suffered on your own. It kind of makes you feel bad but you can't really do anything about it. Especially since you'd probably pass out if you tried walking to the dorms in your circumstances.

You feel movement from Shota and look up to see dark predatory eyes staring back down at you. "You don't know what you are doing to me y/n," he says, his voice slightly raspy from having just woken up.

"What do you me-"

Shota softly pushes his hips against you, causing you to stop talking at the feeling of his hard-on through his pants. "OH! You meant- I mean I could- you know... Help."

Shota backs his body away from yours slightly and says, "No. I'm your teacher." His eyebrows furrow, "Even this isn't something I should be doing," he says. You know what he means. He means the fact that he's lying in a bed with a student.

Being your bold self, you confidently respond, "So what. I'm well over eighteen and it won't do any harm."

Shota holds the bridge of his nose. "Why must you make saying no so hard?" he asks.

"Because I know that isn't what you actually want to say. You should stop thinking about it so much and just let things happen"

Shota doesn't say anything for a few seconds as he sorts through his thoughts. As you wait, you hear your stomach growl and mentally yell at it to shut the fuck up. Your head is on a break apparently but your stomach decided to speak up but you don't exactly care momentarily.

"Fine. But only this once." Shota's somewhat angry at himself for giving in so easily but at the same time, he hasn't been entirely honest with you either about his thoughts.

As your hand starts towards his pants, you say, "Now was that so hard, Shota?" Your hand is momentarily under his shirt, rubbing circles on his stomach with your fingers.

Shota's voice hitches and his eyes shut as you start to rub your hand against his bulge. Shota lays his larger hand over yours, his feeling warm on yours.

No words are spoken as he leads your hand inside his pants. He shudders at the first touch of your hand on his cock. You pull his dick from his pants, giving you a look at his size once again. You forgot how thick he actually is and you squeeze your thighs together at the thought of him inside you like at the club.

You wrap your hand around it and start moving your hand up and down at a medium pace. You continue to look at his face, watching as his eyebrows knit together and his light-colored lips part from each other, shallow breaths leaving them with the movement of your arm.

Your headache from before is slowly coming back but you choose to ignore it, wanting to enjoy this moment since there's a big chance Shota will never allow anything like this again.

Shota's hips thrust into your hand and a throaty moan escapes his throat. "You like that Shota don't you?"

"Shut up," he growls.

You purposely slow your hand down and his eyes open. If looks could kill, the glare he gave you would have killed you so you sped back up.

Shota doesn't look away from your face, just wanting to take you right then and there. But this is already bad enough. This shouldn't be happening but he's stupidly letting it happen whether he wants to admit it or not.

"I'm cumming," Shota says as he lets out a low moan.

When he says that, you tighten your grip slightly and pump quicker. Your actions throw him over the edge and a gruff growl leaves his lips, his eyes rolling back from satisfaction.

The creamy liquid splatters onto the bed, a small amount landing on your face and the hand around his cock. You remove your hand from his pants and bring your hand up to your mouth. The taste of his cum is once again bittersweet as you put one of your fingers into your mouth.

Shota comes down from his high and looks at you through lidded-eyes, watching as you lick everything off of your hand. He rubs his eyes with his hands and drags them down his face. "Y/n. Don't lick that," he tells you.

You stop midway and ask, "Why not? It tastes good." You accidentally bite down hard on your finger as the headache grows worse. Not wanting to worry Shota too much again, you ignore it the best you can.

Shota rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Continue then but don't forget what's on your face." He wipes the cum off of his cock with a tissue and tucks it back into his pants, sitting up. "Do you think you can walk to the living room so I can change the sheets?" he asks you.

"Yeah," you lie. You quickly lick the rest off your hand and get what you can off your face. You slide off the bed and stumble a little as you start to walk.

Shota watches you with worry until you turn back and smile at him with a thumbs up. As you leave the room, Shota takes the sheets off the bed and throws them onto the floor.

He hears a thump from the hallway and yells, "Y/n. Are you okay?" He throws a blanket onto the bed in place of a sheet, not wanting to actually change it. As he gets no answer from you, he starts to worry and rushes out of the room.

As soon as he steps out into the hallway, you are seen passed out lying on the floor. "Shit!"


Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!!!!

DuN! dUn! DuNnNnNNnNnNNn!

Any Thoughts?!


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