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Beeps of the heart monitor can be heard as Shota finally opens his eyes. He sighs in annoyance as he realizes he's still alive, his head pounding.

He sits his body up and pulls the IV out of his arm, not caring for it. As he finally takes in his surroundings, Shota realizes he's in a damned hospital.

The beeps from the heart monitor go off and a nurse rushes in to see what's going on.

"What's going on here. Sir, you need the IV in," the nurse says as she hurries to put the IV back into his arm.

Shota waves the nurse off and turns to the side, his feet now on the floor. "I don't need it. I am perfectly fine."

Annoyed, the nurse huffs and says, "I will go get the doctor to decide that on his own. Don't move."


Shota gets up off the hospital bed and walks to the bathroom, looking at his reflection in the mirror. His hair is messier than usual, the bags under his eyes a little darker and his pale skin slightly paler. Shota splashes some water on his face and ties his hair up into a messy bun.

He walks out of the bathroom and the doctor walks in. "Shota Aizawa?"


The doctor looks at his clipboard and says, "It looks like you overdosed on some sleeping meds you've been taking."

"Look, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to. I accidentally took too many trying to help myself get to sleep, so if you don't mind I would like the paperwork for me to leave," Shota explains bluntly, grabbing the bag of his clothes off of a visitor chair.

"I don't reccome-"

Cutting the doctor off, Shota says, "I don't care what you recommend. Just let me get out of this damned hospital."

The doctor lets out a breath of defeat. "I'll be back with the paperwork in just a moment." The doctor walks out of the room to get the papers, leaving Shota to get dressed as he waits.

After leaving the hospital, Shota catches a taxi ride back to his house. Once again, another attempt failed. It is only the second time he's ended up in the hospital because of it though. He pays the cab driver and walks inside, not giving a damn about anything else momentarily.

Just as he's about to take himself a shower, he gets a call. He groans in annoyance as he picks up his phone and looks at the name. Nemuri. She's always trying to get Shota to go out and have fun ever since Hizashi died. The only times she's succeeded has been if it's to a club so that he can drink and get laid.

Shota picks up his phone, "What is it Nemuri?"

"Shotaaa!!!!! Don't sound so grouchy! Some of the other teachers and I are going out to a club, come with us!" she shouts through the phone.

Shota cringes and holds the phone a little away from his ear. "God I swear you are just as loud as Hizashi was sometimes," he grumbles. "What time?"

"I'll be there to pick you up in an hour!"

Shota glances at the clock that reads '7:38 pm' and sighs. "Okay. See you soon."


You are lying on your bed with your earbuds in, just enjoying your last few days of freedom.

Mr Wanna Die [Shota Aizawa x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now