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Bright lights shining through the windows wake you up the next morning. It's a Saturday, so you happily don't have any classes today. You go to sit up but feel incredibly dizzy, pains trailing from your head to the rest of your body. "What the fuck-" you mutter, laying your head back down on the pillow.

You groan in pain as the headache increases, making you sure it's probably a migraine. Shota, being awake, hears you groaning from the kitchen and walks into the living room where you are. Your legs are curled up to your stomach and your hands are on your head, a few tears threatening to leave your eyes as the pain increases.

He hurries over and crouches down beside the couch. "Are you okay?" he asks in a worried tone.

"I-I don't know. My-my head hurts so bad!" you tell him between breaths. Your breathing is harsh as you try to get through the pain, feeling as if death would be a better feeling than this as of right now.

Shota puts the back of his hand on your forehead and it turns out you also have a fever. "I'll be back." Shota walks to his bathroom and looks through all the medicine he has. He grabs the acetaminophen and takes out two pills before laying the bottle on the counter with the medicine he takes daily.

He gets a cup of water from the kitchen and heads back to the living room. He sets the water on the table and crouches back down beside you. "Do you think you can sit up some?"

You turn your head his way. "I can try." He supports your back as you sit up and hands you the pills. After popping them into your mouth, Shota holds the cup of water up to your lips, allowing you to drink some and swallow the pills.

Once you've taken the pills you fall back onto the pillow and put your arm over your eyes.

"Has this happened before?" he asks you. You nod your head and respond, "It's been happening once in a while since I was a child except for the fact that it got progressively worse. My parents said it's because of my immune system or something like that."

"Is there something specific they ever did to help you?"

"No. All they've ever been able to do is give me pills throughout the day and I'd be better the next morning."

Shota is about to respond when Eri comes into the room. "Daddy."

He turns around and says, "What's wrong sweetie?"

"I'm hungry."

"Okay. I'll make you some breakfast in a minute. Go get dressed."

Once Eri has left the room, he turns back to you. "You can stay here for the day and I'll take care of you. Get some rest and I'll give you more medicine a bit later."

You just nod and curl up into a smaller ball. Shota pulls the blanket up onto you more and sighs as he heads to the kitchen. He makes some scrambled eggs and a piece of toast for Eri. Once he's got her plate made he yells, "Eri! Your breakfast is ready!"

Eri runs into the kitchen and sits down at the table to eat her breakfast. Shota pats her head before heading back into the living room. He wishes this house had come with three rooms so that you didn't have to lay on the couch all day.

After considering some things, he heads into his room and cleans it off a bit. He uncovers half of the bed and leaves the room, making his way back to you.

The pain doesn't allow you to sleep as you lay on the couch. As you hear Shota's footsteps, you look at him. Your face is pale with dried tears on your cheeks. You aren't very happy that he had to see you like this but there's nothing you can do about it. Hell, you didn't even think it would ever happen again because of the fact that it's been a while. As soon as you felt the headache get worse, you knew what was wrong.

As your eyes finally focus on Shota's face, he says, "I'm going to lay you down in my room if that's fine with you."

Not feeling the strength to verbally respond, you nod. Shota picks you up, one arm on your back and the other under your knees. You clutch his shirt as he holds your fragile against his, walking out of the room and to his.

The headache is progressively getting worse, bringing tears back to your eyes. You haven't cried in front of an actual person in a while, these moments bringing memories of the last time. Your boyfriend of four years had gotten shot during a robbery and you cried for multiple months along with not wanting to talk to anyone for quite a few days.

Ever since then, you never really set your eyes on anyone that interested you enough to date until now. You never even cried since then because it made you feel weak but you're in so much pain right now that it's all you really can do.

"Y/n. Y/n! Hey, can you hear me?! Y/n!"

Your eyes open and you are now laying on a bed. Shota's face is hovering above yours and you can feel his hand on your forehead. Without realizing it you are still holding onto his shirt, his voice barely audible for you.

You can see the worry in Shota's eyes as he says some things, slowly starting to hear again.

"-ou hear me? Y/n! Talk to me."

"W-what did you say?" you ask, your voice hoarse.

Shota lets out a breath of relief now that he knows you can hear him. "You blacked out and I got worried. I was going to call an ambulance if you didn't wake up soon."

"I'm fine. Just in a lot of pain."

"I can't give you any more pain meds yet so you're going to have to endure it." He pulls the blanket up to your shoulders. "I'm going to call a friend to take care of Eri today so I can keep an eye on you. Try to rest again and I'll bring some soup soon."

You nod and close your eyes as Shota leaves the room. Shota finds Eri sitting on the couch watching a cartoon show and says, "Eri, go pack a few things. You are going to go spend the night with auntie Nemuri."

"Yay! Okay!" she exclaims as she jumps off the couch and runs to her room.

Shota sits on the couch and leans forward with his elbows on his knees. He grabs his phone from the table and brings up Nemuri's contact.

The phone rings three times before she finally picks up. "Aizawa? Since when do you call me?" she asks.

Shota sighs and says, "I need you to do me a favor."


Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!!!!

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Mr Wanna Die [Shota Aizawa x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now