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You sneak back into your dorm late Sunday evening after leaving Shota's house. You had hope that Mina and Ochako weren't inside right now but you are found unlucky with that.

As you enter the dorm Mina, Ochako, Toru, Izuku and Shoto are sitting, talking on the couch. You feel slightly angry about them leaving you all alone the day you went to the club. Except for Shoto of course since he didn't go.

You silently walk by everyone on the couch in hope of them not seeing you but that plan fails when Mina catches sight of you from the corner of her eye.

"Y/N!" she yells, jumping up from the couch.

Everyone turns their heads toward you as Mina runs over to you. She scoops you up in a hug and grabs hold of your hands. "Hey! Why didn't you come back yesterday?" Ochako asks from the couch.

Not completely lying, you respond, "I was at a friend's house." You make sure to hide the fact that you are mad at them for abandoning you that day. When she made you go to the club, you hadn't expected to be left alone and without any of them by your side.

"Oh okay. We were worried about you when you didn't come back home yesterday!" Mina informs you.

You sigh and start walking away. "Yeah, sure you were," you mumble to yourself. You walk into your room and close the door behind you.

You feel it's probably wrong of you to feel mad over such a little thing but you just dislike the fact that they left you alone when you hadn't wanted to go in the first place.

As you are changing into some pajamas, you hear a knock at the door. "One minute!" you say, pulling the t-shirt over your head.

You crack the door open to see Shoto. "Hello," he says awkwardly.

You open the door for him the rest of the way. "Hi, Shoto. Are you looking for something?" you ask him.

"Do you mind if I come in?" he asks.

You smile and open your door. "No, not at all. Come in!" He walks into the room and you close the door behind him. You jump onto your bed and sit down on it as Shota sits on the seat at your desk.

"Did something happen?" he asks you. Shoto is the only one who noticed the slight change in your mood towards the others.

Lying, you say, "No. Why do you ask?" You fake a smile as you want to persuade him you are telling the truth.

He shrugs. "You seem different in a way. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly."

"It's probably just because I'm sleepy. I was helping my friend with something all day," You say this with the hope that your excuse is believable.

Shoto stands up and tells you, "Just know you can talk to me about it if you want. I'm not going to pressure you to or anything though."

You watch as he walks to the door and you wonder if you should talk to him about it. You don't want to trouble him with your problems.

As he turns the doorknob, you decide maybe you should talk to him about it. He is your friend too. "Shoto, wait." He turns around and looks at you, curiosity in his eyes. "Something did happen actually."

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks.

You bite the inside of your cheek before saying, "If you are willing to listen I guess."

He walks over and sits back in your desk chair. "I'm all ears."

You explain how she made you go to the club but ended up leaving you, along with the attack from the men. You felt as if you were going to puke as you talked about it so Shota set your trashcan beside you on the bed. You told him about your friend picking you up but decided against saying any names.

Mr Wanna Die [Shota Aizawa x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now