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Arriving at the club, all of you walk inside. Ochako and Izuku are nervously talking to each other and you rush to get drinks, Mina not too far behind you. After getting your drinks, you both chug them and walk onto the dance floor.

You are dancing between different people, everyone here enjoying their time. Mina wandered off after a hot girl she saw not too long ago, leaving you alone but you didn't mind.

As you go to grab yourself another drink an older man sitting on one of the stools catches your eye. He's chugging drinks like they are nothing. His black hair is pulled up into a neat bun as some of the hairs are not in the hair tie. He has some facial hair and his eyes are as black as night with a scar underneath his right eye. He has a scarf loosely hanging around his neck, a black shirt and pants fitting just right on his body giving you a nice view of everything you want to see.

Your tongue swipes across your lips before you walk over and sit beside the man. You ask the bartender for a drink and the man beside you says, "It's on me."

A smile makes its way onto your face. "Thank you," you say. "What's your name?"

The man raises an eyebrow. "Shota. You?"

"Y/n," you reply. The bartender comes back with your drink and one for Shota. You both mumble a thank you to the woman before taking sips of your drinks. "So, are you here with anyone?" you ask him.

"I came with a few co-workers but I'm hoping to leave with a pretty woman," he tells you.

This makes you smile, knowing you might get laid by a sexy man tonight. "Seems like you might get to go through with that," you reply before taking a sip of your drink.

Shota and you sit there talking for a few minutes about stupid shit. You aren't a lightweight when it comes to drinking so you are pretty much buzzed at this point and getting close to being drunk.

Shota on the other hand was just lightly buzzed, him being used to drinking and it not really doing anything other than making him hornier than the usual. With you, a sexy woman right there, it doesn't help his horniness any and he's decided it's time to get this night started.

You being a horny fuck too, also wants to start the night. So when Shota mentions getting out of the going to one of the rooms in the back, you are quick to get on your feet and lead him in the directions of the back rooms.

Passing Mina on the way, she winks at you and you smirk. As soon as you reach an unlocked door, you are quick to pull Shota into the room. Shota locks the door behind him and turns around.

"Before this gets started, how do you feel about bondage pretty lady?" he asks you, wanting to make sure it's something you are fine with.

Bondage is not something you've ever actually experienced before. You've tried to get some people to do it in the past but they were never comfortable with it. Now that someone is actually willing and into that stuff, you feel more excited than you were before.

A smile makes its way to your face. "I've never done it before but it's something I've always wanted to try," you tell him honestly.

Shota walks towards you. "That's all I needed to know. Let's get this top off of you..." You raise your arms up as Shota takes off your top, leaving your red lace bra on display. Shota whistles at the sight and takes some scarf off from around his neck. He grabs hold of your hands and you let him pull your arms behind your back. Shota uses the scarf and wraps it around your lower arm, tying them together with a knot.

Mr Wanna Die [Shota Aizawa x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now