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"Haruko I can't- Yes I know that but I can barely take care of myself. Fine! Bring her and her stuff down tomorrow god damn. Bye." Shota slams his phone down and runs his hands over his face. "God I hate that woman," he mutters.

Nemuri raises an eyebrow at him and asks, "The ex-wife again?"

"Yeah. She's dropping Eri off at my house tomorrow because she's moving and apparently doesn't have the money to take care of her."

"Doesn't she have like thousands of dollars in her name?"

Shota sighs and says, "Apparently she doesn't anymore but whatever. It's not like I don't want to take care of Eri, I'm just not mentally stable enough to take care of myself so how will I take care of her?."

"I can help you!"


Nemuri pouts, "But you'll need a babysitter won't you?"

"Yes, but you dress too inappropriate outside of work to do that and I don't trust that filthy mouth of yours. Eri is only six years old," Shota states.

"Get one of your students to watch her then."

Shota rolls his eyes, "I don't know nor trust any of my students. I'll just have to bring her to my night classes after school."

"You make things harder than they actually are," Nemuri says with a sigh.

Shota shrugs and stands up to leave the break room. "I am headed home to get her room ready for her."

"Bye grumpy pants!" Shota just puts a hand up as a goodbye and continues to where he's going.


You are rushing to put some clothes on as you realize you are about to be late for your English class. After getting dressed you decide to skip eating and rush out of the room and towards your class.

As you arrive at the door and rush to your seat, realizing you still have plenty of time. You see a little girl with white hair asleep in the corner behind your seat as you walk towards your desk. You set your things down and crouch down next to her, tilting your head in confusion.

You are about to get into your seat when she starts opening her eyes. She stares at you for a moment before getting up and running around you, "Daddy! There's a stranger!"

"Daddy...?" you question as you follow her.

She runs up to Shota and pushes on his sleeping bag. "Daddy! Daddy!"

Shota opens his eyes and looks at her with tired eyes. "What's wrong Eri?"

"There's a stranger!" she says, pointing towards you.

He looks to where she's pointing and unzips his sleeping bag a little. Patting her on the head he says, "No Eri, that is one of my students. Not a stranger."

Eri looks back and forth between you two for a moment, you looking completely confused. You look at Shota and he shrugs, zipping his sleeping bag back up as more students come in the door. "Eri, go back up to the corner with y/n here please," Shota tells her.

"Okay!" Eri pecks Shota on the cheek before shyly walking over to you.

You blink at her a few times, still a bit confused. You knock yourself out of it and smile at her. "Hi, Eri! I'm y/n," you say as you start walking back up to the back of the class.

"H-hi," she says shyly, following close beside you as other students start pouring in. One of the students accidentally bumps into her and you catch her by the wrist before she can fall backward.

You pull her closer to you and she grabs onto your shirt. Once you've made it to the back, she sits in the corner again. You sit into your seat and lay your head on your hand as you wait for Shota to begin teaching.

Today Shota is actually stuck teaching rather than sleeping and is at the front of the class teaching.

Eri gets curious and tries to peer over your desk, the student next to you looking at her with slight confusion but refocusing themself.

You notice carefully scoot your chair back some. You poke Eri on the shoulder and she turns to you with slight confusion. Her confusion turns to slight worry as you pull her up onto your lap to where she can see. She turns to you and smiles before turning back to the front of the class and watching her father teach with a smile.

You play with the ends of her hair all through class as you write down notes with your other one. Eri helps you turn the pages of your notebook until she eventually falls asleep, now leaning against you.

Shota took note of what was happening as he taught, wondering how she warmed up to you so quickly.

Once the class had ended, he walked to the back of the classroom to find you not moving as Eri is asleep. Shota walks up to you and says, "Seems like she likes you."

"I don't know about that. All I did was help her see and then she fell asleep on my lap," you reply with a giggle and a shrug.

"Eri isn't one to let others touch her too much."

"Ohh... okay. So you have a daughter?"

Shota carefully picks Eri up off of your lap. He pulls her to his chest and her head is now laying on his shoulder. "Mhm. Ex-wife," he replies. "She'll be going to a new school starting tomorrow so you shouldn't have to worry about her back here from now on."

You nod in understanding and start getting your stuff together. Shota turns and starts walking away. "I would like to talk to you for a moment y/n. If you don't mind staying for a few minutes more."

"Of course," you reply. You know there are only so many things he could be bringing up to talk with you about and it has your curiosity running wild.

You leave your things neatly set on top of your desk and walk down to the front of the room where Shota is putting Eri into his sleeping bag. The sight is one of the most adorable things you've ever seen and you are forever preserving it in your memories.

Shota then sits at his desk and you sit in the seat on the opposing side. "Are there any days that you have classes after three in the evening?" he asks you.

You think back to your schedule, "Not that I know of. My latest one ends at about three and that's only on Tuesdays and Fridays for Mr. Yagi's class."

"Do you think you'll be able to babysit Eri for me throughout the week once you're done with the classes? I'll pay you twelve dollars an hour," he tells you. "I was going to have her sit in classes with me but she seems to be fine around you."

"Sure! I don't mind. I love children and she's adorable so it shouldn't be much of a problem," you reply, your voice laced with a bit of excitement.

After discussing the details a little more, you leave and head up to your dorm to eat since you haven't eaten anything all day. Once you've eaten, you drop down onto the couch and lay your head on Mina's thighs to take a nap. Both Mina and Ochako giggle as you fall asleep within seconds.


Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!!!!

I swear im going somewhere with all of this o-o just a bit slower than i originally thought but its fineeeeee

Any Thoughts?!


Mr Wanna Die [Shota Aizawa x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now