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When Eri hears the front open and close, she runs to the front door. When Shota sees her, he picks her up as she jumps up and into his arms and yells, "Happy birthday Daddy!!"

"Thank you, sweetheart," he says with a chuckle.

"Happy birthday Shota!" you and Nemuri yell, sticking your head out the dining room doorway.

He walks over to you and says, "Thanks you two." He sniffs the air and adds, "Dinner smells good."

"Then let's go eat!"

The four of you sit down at the dining table and eat dinner. You talk and laugh throughout the whole time, you choking on your food from Nemuri's sense of humor multiple times. Shota even had to cover Eri's ears at one point which you found quite hilarious.

Once everyone finishes eating, Eri stands up in her chair and covers Shota's eyes with her hands. "What is this all about?" he asks, feeling quite confused.

"You'll see," you say before heading off to grab the cake from the fridge. You pull it out and quickly put a few candles on it. You light them before picking them up and walking into the room.

You set the cake down and Eri uncovers Shota's eyes as you all start singing,

"Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Shota~,

Happy birthday to you!"

"Blow out your candles Daddy!" Eri yells.

Shota smiles and pulls her onto his lap. He closes his eyes and wishes for something, blowing out the candles seconds after. "What did you wish for?" Eri asks.

Shota looks at her and lightly squeezes her cheeks. "I can't tell you or else it won't come true." Eri pouts and the rest of you laugh.

Shota did wish for something important though. He wished that no matter what no one else he loves oh so deeply will leave him. That includes the three of you in the room with him most of all. His parents passed away a bit ago but they never entirely tried to care for him so it didn't impact him as much as people would think it should have.

And although Shota doesn't act like it, Nemuri is especially someone he doesn't want to lose. She is the only person he has left from high school and she is always there for him even though he's tried pushing her away for years.

Knocking him out of his thoughts, you poke Shota's cheek and say,
"Don't fall asleep on us now. We have a cake to eat and another present to show you."

"I wasn't falling asleep. I was thinking about how much you three mean to me," he informs you.

You giggle and kiss him on the cheek before sitting back down. Shota sets Eri off his lap so she can sit in her own seat and eat cake.

As Shota takes his first bite of the cake, he moans in delight. He swallows the bite and asks, "Who made this? It's so good."

Since both you and Eri have your mouths shoved full with cake momentarily, Nemuri answers for you. "Y/n and Eri worked really hard as soon as they got here to start baking it for you. I heard little Eri did most of the work though."

Eri shyly continues to eat her cake. You nod your head to what Nemuri said. "I taught her how to crack eggs and many other things so if you ever need some help in the kitchen you have an amazing six-year-old living in the same house as you."

"Is that so?" Shota says with a raised eyebrow and a smile on his face. Eri doesn't look up as she shyly continues eating, making sure to keep her flushed face down. Shota fluffs her hair and says, "Don't get shy on me now little girl. You have at least twelve more years of me to deal with."

Eri giggles as she swallows her bite. As soon as it's swallowed, she gets out of her seat and pulls Shota's head down to her level. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and says, "I love you, daddy."

Shota hugs her and replies, "I love you too my little princess. Now go finish your cake."

Once the cake has been eaten and the dishes are done, you have to look around for the cat. You eventually find her hiding underneath Eri's bed curled up in a ball. It takes you a few minutes but you are able to get her our and you carry her to the living room.

You walk into the room with the cat in your hands, catching Shota's attention almost instantly. "This is Nemuri's gift," you say as you set the cat into his arms.

"Thank you Nemuri," Shota says as he checks the gender before holding her against his chest. "What's her name?"

"That's up to you to decide. It's your cat," Nemuri informs.

Shota tilts his head as he looks at the cat for a moment. "Coffee."

Most would say the only reason he chose coffee is because of the fact that the cat is light brown but in reality, he only chose it because it's his favorite drink and all he could think of at the moment.

After naming the cat, the four of you sit around and hang out for a while. You learn funny stories about him when he was younger and many other random things. You enjoy your time with the three of them. You are thankful for that first meeting at the club because, without it, you are unsure if things would have ended up this way.

As the sky starts getting dark, Nemuri decides it's her queue to leave for the night. She was able to convince Shota to let her take Eri for the night. You on the other hand fell asleep a little over an hour ago.

Eri packs her some clothes and comes walking out of her room. "I got my clothes packed," she says.

"Come give me a hug then munchkin," Shota tells her, along with setting Coffee down for the first time since she was put in his arms.

He opens his arms and she jumps into them. Shota gives her a kiss on the forehead and says, "Be good for Auntie Nemuri."

"I will!"

Shota sets her down and pulls Nemuri into a hug, surprising her. "Thank you for sticking with me all these years Nemuri."

She laughs and says, "No need to thank me. We are friends after all. Just know I am always here for you Shota."

Shota just nods his head before pulling away from the hug. They leave and Shota crouches down by the couch where you are laying. He slides his arms underneath your body and picks you up, your head resting against his chest.

As he sets you into bed, you wake up enough to open your eyes a little bit. "Shota?"

"Go back to sleep Kitten," he says, giving you a kiss on the forehead.

You turn your head and look up at him. "But-"

Cutting you off, Shota says, "Whatever you had planned can happen tomorrow. Nemuri is keeping her all day so just get some sleep baby."

You want to argue and fight him about it but you feel too sleepy to even try at the moment. "Kiss first," you mumble.

Shota chuckles and gives you a light kiss. Satisfied, you turn your head back and close your eyes again. Shota pulls the blankets over your body before changing himself into a pair of black sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt.

He climbs into bed next to you and pulls your body to his. He slides his hand up under the back of your shirt and closes his eyes, just slowly rubbing up and down your back until he eventually falls asleep.


Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!!!!

I bet you thought you were gonna get that good stuff >:)

Any Thoughts?!


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