❂☺30:Final Chapter☺❂

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When you arrive at the cemetery, Shota seems slightly confused but not completely. You had picked up some flowers along the way to replace the ones that are on Hitoshi's grave now.

"So your friend, he's.." Shota stops. The word something he doesn't enjoy saying.

"Dead," you finish for him. "He was in a jewelry store when a robbery occurred once and died helping a little girl escape. They were the only two who hadn't gotten out and he was the only one who died from the robbery," you explain. At the time of the robbery, you were at home sick in bed. You had later found out that Hitoshi was at the store to buy promise rings for the two of you.

You were seventeen at the time and it took you a few years to completely move on from everything. Now you just know he's in a better place and watches over you.

Shota intertwines his hand with yours as you slowly lead him towards the direction of the grave. It's been a while since you have visited Hitoshi so you are glad you are taking the chance and being able to show Shota a piece of your past.

When you arrive at his grave, you let go of Shota's hand to switch the flowers. You can tell your family hasn't been here in a while due to the fact that the flowers are the ones you left last time, purple and blue lilacs.

You remove the old ones and replace them with the brand new ones. You set the old ones down and grab Shota's hand again. The two of you sit down in the grass in front of it, you leaning against him, closing your eyes as you take in the winter breeze.

"The two of you were more than friends, weren't you?" Shota asks, putting two and two together. He feels kind of slow for taking so long but he figures he's just tired since he didn't get much sleep the night before.

You let out a breath and respond, "We were dating for four years. It took me a long time to finally move on after that." You look up at Shota, "He meant a lot to me. Just like how you mean a lot to me now."

Shota kisses the top of your head and lets go of your hand, wrapping it around you. The two of you sit there for an hour or so. You talk about things from your past and his, even about the future. Shota understands why you brought him here. You had just shown him a big part of your past and it means a lot that you opened up to him about that like had you.

You say a goodbye to Hitoshi, letting him know you have moved on like he would want you to and that you are happy. Shota says his own goodbye, telling Hitoshi he's taking good care of you and that he hopes that he is at peace.

As you walk back to the car, Shota's arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer to his body. "I love you, Kitten."

"I love you too, Sho," you say, leaning against him a little more.


After making it back to your parent's house, Eri runs up and hugs the two of you as you enter the door. "Yay! You're back!"

You both laugh and Shota picks her up, holding her on his hip. "Did you cause any trouble for grandma and grandpa?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

Eri just giggles now answering as they walk into the kitchen. "Okay giggle box, what did you do?"

M/n walks into the kitchen as she says, "Someone got into my hidden stash of candy."

Eri looks away from Shota as she giggles. "Oh no, this isn't a good thing. She is one of the most energetic kids you would ever meet when she eats candy. The only bad thing is after an hour or so, she crashes for a good three hours at least."

"So that's why you never let her have candy?!" You know he had never really let her eat any candy but you never really asked why. You sneaked some to her here and there but when she did crash, you just figured she was tired.

"That's exactly why I don't let her have candy." Shota sets her down and she runs from the kitchen and to the back porch where f/n is sitting.

"Grandpa, hide me! Daddy's going to make me go to bed because I ate candy!" she whines.

He points down at the porch. "Run to the backside of the porch and there should be a little door under it. Hide in there for now."

Eri jumps up in excitement! "Yay! Thank you grandpa!" She giggles and gets off the porch, running around to the back of it. She finds a little door where f/n said it would be and opens it, crawling inside. There is concrete flooring and some pillows inside. "Wow," she says to herself, closing the little door behind her.

Shota sighs as the little girl runs off, running his hand down his face. "What am I going to do with her."

"Love her," you say with a giggle. "She probably went to dad."

"He is out on the front porch," M/n says with a chuckle. "I bet I know where he told her to hide too."

"You don't mean..." M/n nods her head with a smile. "You mean you never took my stuff out of there??" you ask in excitement.


Confused, Shota asks, "What are the two of you talking about?"

You grab his hand and drag him towards the back porch. "Come on and I'll show you!"

M/n follows as you drag Shota out the back door. After confirming with your dad that she's under there with hand signals, you quietly sneak down the steps. You crouch down, pulling an unwilling tired man down with you. You carefully twist the little knob and pull the door open, looking through.

When you see Eri fast asleep on the pillows, you giggle and open it farther. "Come on," you tell Shota before crawling into the little hole. Shota sighs and rolls his eyes, following you inside.

As he sees his little girl fast asleep, he holds back a laugh. "Why are we in here again?" he asks, plopping down beside you. It's more like he is laying there rather than sitting due to the size of everything.

"Because it's a cute little spot I used to hide in all the time and this is where Eri is hiding."

A smile appears on Shota's face as he shakes his head. You lay down on him, careful of where you place your feet since Eri is asleep.

Shota lays a hand on your cheek as you lay there. "It's only been a few months but we've come a long way," he says aloud, his eyes looking at your facial features.

"Still have a long way to go," you reply.

He grabs hold of your hand with his empty one. "And we will do it together, Kitten."

"Together," you repeat before sitting up and wrapping your arms around his neck. Your lips meet each other and you smile into it. "Together forever."


Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!!!!

Any Thoughts?!


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