Karmas Past

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Miyumis pov

I've been getting to know karma a bit lately. He's seems like a honest kid but not a very trusting one.

We were sitting on the rooftop eating our lunch when karma said...

"miyumi would you still like me if you knew about my past?"

I thought about it for a second "probably. I mean everyone does stupid things in the past. Doesn't mean it should define them"

"yeah" he said smiling slightly. He looked out to the distance "my father who I'm named after was a remnant of Dispair. He raped, tortured and murdered several people and chose to die instead of being saved by one of his rape victims. My mother made me in a test tube after he died, hoping that I could avenge him. That I could kill kokichi ouma but I could never do that. My father had already made him suffer enough" he was shaking by the end of his story.

I just stared at him in shock. I couldn't believe what he had gone through.

He sighed "you probably hate me now-"

"no!" I cut him off "I can't hate you for that you did nothing wrong! Your fathers actions don't reflect your own"

"some people don't feel the same way" he muttered.

"Well those people don't matter" I said firmly "you have me and nothing your father did could ever change that"

He smiled at me "thanks miyumi. I'm lucky to have a friend like you"

"as am I" I grinned "now let's eat!"

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