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Kokichis pov

I woke up to the sound of an explosion. I jumped up and ran down stairs. A man with red hair was standing in front of dice with a cocky grin.

"yoshki what the hell are you doing here" samurai asked coldly.

"aww your not going to call me karma anymore?" he said in a teasing tone.

"no. You lost that privilege when we kicked you out for trying to hurt others with our pranks" cyclops said coldly.

"why of course! The world made us suffer so why shouldn't we make the world suffer too" he paused for a second and grinned "so who did you replace as your leader? Would it happen to be that child back there?"

I jumped. Oh well I guess there's no point in hiding anymore.

"yes I'm their leader now leave them alone or I'll make you"

He burst out laughing "oh man your adorable I can see why they made you my replacement! But I afraid that simply won't do" he got down to my level with a creepy grin on his face "I was planning on killing everyone here and taking my revenge but you've given me a wonderful idea! So I'll tell you what if you agree to become my pet then I won't hurt anyone" before I could say anything huntress cut in.

"like hell we're going to let you touch that kid!"

"huntress? Your defending me? I thought you hated me!"

"of course I don't hate you I was just angry. You mean alot to me kid and I'm not going to let this basturd hur-"

She was cut off by karma pinning her to the ground "your really pissing me off. Its seems I'll have to shut you up" he grabbed a knife and went to stab her.

"noo" I quickly hugged his waist "please I'll do whatever you want just please don't hurt anyone!"

He grinned at me "that's what I like to hear" before anyone could do anything he picked me up and ran off with me.

(warning the next part will contain pedophilea and rape so if your uncomfortable with that then please skip)

He took me to a strange castle like place. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me towards the bedroom. A woman sitting on the bed looked at me with desgust.

"who is this?" she asked in a cold tone.

"oh he's just my new plaything" karma giggled.

She walked over and leaned into my ear "if I find out you were enjoying him you little whore I'll rip your balls off and feed them to the dogs" I shivered. I didn't like the sound of that.

I looked around his room and noticed that he had alot of photos of junko. He noticed me looking and grinned.

"she inspired me you know. We never met of course since we're both from two different worlds but she's the reason I became a remnit of Dispair. It was thanks to her that I realised that the way I feel wasn't wrong. That wanting to spread despair was a beautiful thing that shouldn't be frowned apon."

He stroked my hair in a creepy manner "what do you plan on doing to me?" I asked not really wanting to know the answer.

His creepy smile grew even wider "why I simply want to show you who the better leader is"

He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the bed. He tore my clothes off and handcuffed me to the bedframe.

"wait! I'm underage you can't!" I tried to reason with him but he only laughed.

"oh honey I don't care about that! I only want to show you true despair. Now be a good boy and take it!"

He shoved himself into me and I screamed in agony. I'd never felt such pain and violation in my whole 15 years of living. He kept going for what felt like hours and by the end of it I had blood running down my tighs.

Eventually he undid my handcuffs and I curled up in a ball sobbing. He stroked my hair. Unlike big sis it felt awful when he petted me but I was too afraid to tell him to stop. Once again I felt broken and this time there wasn't anyone around to fix me.

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) Where stories live. Discover now