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Chihiros pov

"oh we missed you great leader!" a brown haired girl with a witches hat said hugging him.

"I miss you too mage" kokichi said hugging her back "and you too zodiac" he said to the guy with the crazy hair.

"of course you miss us we're awesome!" zodiac said running in for a group hug. Kokichi started sobbing.

"great leader why are you crying?" mage asked worriedly.

"I thought I'd never see you guys again! I thought Monokuma had you guys locked away somewhere"

"oh he did but huntress helped us escape! She was determined to after hunter died"

Kokichi lowered his head "its my fault he's dead. I'm sorry"

"no don't say that sweetheart none of this is your fault!" she gave him a kiss on the forehead and smiled brightly "everyone is going to be so happy to see you! Now come on you can bring your friends too" she took Kokichis hand and gently led him into the base.

I followed behind. Running into dice was a real shock but now a bad one. They seem just as nice as kokichi described them to be.

"zodiac? Mage? What kind of weird names are those?" haru asked

"there our code names! We can't give away our secret identity you know" zodiac giggled.

"wow purple this is quite the organisation you got running" haru said looking impressed.

"yep! Dice is the best team in the world" kokichi grinned.

"awwww" mage giggled.

We reached the base and walked in. Standing in the base was a woman with purple hair and dark blue eyes, a man with white hair tied in a spiky ponytail and a man with black hair and bangs that cover both his eyes.

"huntress! Samurai! Cyclops! Look who's here! Our great leader has returned!"

The two men were excited but the woman just seemed angry.

"why should I care if he's back? He's the reason my brothers dead!"

Kokichi walked towards her "huntress I'm so sorry about hunter. I didn't think they would hurt yo-" he was cut off by huntress grabbing him by the throat and lifting him up.

"I don't want your excuses! You killed my brother and I won't forgive you!"

"huntress that's enough!" samurai pulled out his weapon and pointed it at her "I suggest you put our leader down"

"you still consider him our leader after he failed us" she growled.

"yes I do and if you harm him you'll regret it" I said calmly.

She threw kokichi to the ground and ran off. Samurai bent down to check on him.

"don't worry great leader I'll talk to her" he said gently as he got up and walked away.

I ran up to kokichi "hey kichi are you-" he immediately hugged into my chest crying. I patted his hair since I knew he liked it. Mage knelt down beside us looking upset.

"it's been a while since I've seen him this upset" I muttered.

"Well he dose care deeply about us all. He probably still blames himself for hunters death" mage said sadly.

"say how did come to be the leader of dice?" I asked.

"Well it all started when we got rid of our old leader. He was a total crackpot who swore revenge on us. Those words were running through my head so I discided to take a walk to cool off. That's when I met kokichi. He was only 13 and was incredibly shy. He seemed lonely so I invited him to join dice. At first he refused cause he didn't want to get caught up in anything dangerous but after some prodding he agreed. The whole gang immediately took a shine to him. He became like a kid brother to us."

"that's very sweet" I said. I was honestly surprised. Younger kokichi sound alot different to present kokichi.

"yep! Now you're probably wondering how he became our leader huh? Well you see our gang is pretty much like a prank squad. We pull pranks to make others happy. Problem is we kept getting caught by the police but kokichi was a untapped genius! He figured out a way for us to pull our prank and escape the police. Kokichi led us in and everything went perfectly. After that we made him our leader and everything else is history!"

"wow that's sounds just like kokichi!" I looked down and discovered that he'd fallen asleep. Mage giggled.

"we have a bedroom upstairs you can carry him there" I nodded and carried him upstairs. We tucked him in and mage looked at him sadly.

"you know he could never forgive the people that hurt him so when he found out that his bullies were taking part in this year's killing game he also entered so he could make them miserable. We begged him not to go but he wouldn't listen. I was so afraid I'd never seen him again" she started to tear up. I place my hand on her shoulder.

"I understand how you feel. Kokichi definitely not someone you ever want to lose" she giggled.

"I like you. What's your name?"

"ah I'm chihiro fugisaki"

"Well most people call me mage but my real name is hanako yumada. No one besides dice knows this but I think I can trust you" without another word she walked out the door.

Dice sure are an interesting bunch of people. I can see why kokichi cares so much about them.

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