Revenge Of The Adults

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Nagisias pov

The four of us sat in the park absentmindedly. We were supposed to be creating a children's paradise. We were finally going to be safe! But monika betrayed us and ruined everything! I can't believe I loved her.

My thoughts were cut off by masarus scream. I looked up to see monikas older brother haji holding a knife to masarus throat. He had several other adults behind him.

"you little brats better surrender now or I'll kill this little one" he threatened.

"tch it's just like you adults to gang up on a bunch of kids" I growled "fine we surrender" we put our hands up.

Haji grinned. He then slit masarus throat and then other adults ganged up on us. Is this the end? I thought as I watched one of them bash Kotokos head in with a hammer. But then the adults were pushed away and we were carried off by a man with red eyes and another man with red hair.

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