The Aftermath Of The Towa City Killing Game

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Hinas pov

I sat in the cafeteria with my little brother Yuta. I was grateful that he was still alive but I felt terrible that he'd lost his arm. I felt like it was my fault. After all he was only put in that situation cause he's my little brother.

"hey why you look so down sis" he asked cheerfully.

"how can I not be down!" I yelled "your arm is missing and it's all my fault!"

"hey this isn't your fault hina it was me who acted too reckless" that look in yutas eyes. He feels so much more grown up than the last time I saw him.

I pulled him into a hug tearfully "oh Yuta I've already lost my best friend I don't want to lose you too"

"you won't hina I promise" he said hugging me with his one arm.

We cried in the safety of each others arms

Hiros pov

"mom! I can't believe your ok" I yelled hugging her close.

"oh baby I've missed you" mom said hugging me back.

I've had a kinda rocky relationship with my mom since the deforce but I still love her and I was absolutely terrified with I saw her in the motive video.

"aww are you crying baby?" she asked wiping my tears away.

"sorry I just miss you too" I said.

"aww my baby boys so cute" she said ruffling my hair.

We walked in and for the first time in a while I felt happy!

Takas pov

"so you knew owada sempi" takemachi muttered.

"yep he was a wonderful man. Alot kinder then he let's on" I replied.

"that's owada sempi all right" he grinned. He let out a sigh "I can't believe he's dead"

I sighed "it was hard for me to accept too but I believe he's watching over us and he's very proud of how you handled yourself in towa city"

"tch whatever" he muttered walking away. Before he left he turned to me and said "thanks for the talk"

"no problem michi"

"hey don't give me some dumb nickname!" he yelled going red. He ran out the room before I could say anything.

I chuckled. The boy acts just like mondo. Though I suppose that's normal considering mondo basically raised the boy. Still it's refreshing. Almost like mondos still here with me.

" you sure are a good person. Not many adults would deal with his kind" I turned around to see nagisia.

"hey nagisia. How are the other adults treating you?"

"like a monster but I don't care. Your opinion is the only one that matters to me"

I chuckled. It's not often people care what I think "well I don't think your a monster. Just a little boy who needs help" I said taking his hand.

"say taka what do you plan to do with your life? Are you going to work at future Fondation forever?" nagisa asked.

"nope! I plan to become president of Japan so I can make this country better!" I said proudly.

"in that case will you please let me help you?" nagisa begged "I want to make the world a safe place for kids like me so please let me help you!"

"nagisa I would be honoured if you helped me" I said petting him on the head. We looked each other in the eyes as we shook on our agreement.

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