In love

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I wake up as usual, but unfortunately it's not a bright and sunny day. No no, it's cloudy and has been pouring rain nonstop. I sit inside, I'm beyond bored at this point as there is nothing to do. Out of desperation I turn on the TV, I typically don't watch TV much however I do when I'm very bored.  I flip through the channels, there seems to be nothing good on...great. I was about to turn off the TV when a familiar clown appears on the screen. "Hey- Hey kids! It's time for another itchy and scratchy cartoon!" It's krusty, this is what I've resorted to. After a short 60 second clip of a cat and a mouse attacking each other with weapons, krusty appears again with a monkey and a bow and arrow. "Me and Mr. Teeny are gonna shoot flaming arrows at each other kids!" Exclaims Krusty as he does his signature laugh. He lights up the arrows as the clown and the monkey start shooting. I see a familiar handsome man in the background playing a slide whistle. It's Mel! A giant smile appears on my face, now this show is getting interesting...

It's a few hours and I decided to go shopping again, still it's raining like cats and dogs. As I walk down the street with grocery bags in my hands, a school bus passes by. And shorty after a little girl  is running thru the rain with her backpack on her head to protect her from the rain. But it's not doing a good job as some of her papers and books fall out. "Oh come on!" She says as she rolls her eyes in annoyance and starts picking up the items on the ground. I walk over to her and hand her my umbrella "here, you need it more than I do" I say with a smile. The little girl looks up at me surprised. She has blonde starfish shaped hair, she has on a red dress and pearls. "Oh thank you. My brother took my umbrella all for himself" she says. "Well you can keep mine as a spare" I reply. "Thanks, my name's lisa by the way" she says as we shake hands. "My name is Y/N" I say. " I don't recognize your face. You must he new here" she says. "Yes, I am" I say with a small smile. "You better get home before you catch a cold" I say with a giggle. "Alright, thank you Mrs. Y/N" lisa says as she walks off. I feel good for helping that little girl out, I remember when I used to get caught out in the rain without an umbrella. As I walk home I come across a building called "Moe's Tavern" hmm, I'll have to remember that place when I'm depressed and needing a drink. I finally make it home after walking what feels like 50 miles. Why in the hell did I decide I to walk to the store on a rainy day?  I put away my grocerys and plop on the couch and give a relaxed sigh. Springfield isn't so  bad after all.

Sorry about the short chapter and it also not having any interactions with Mel in it. But I feel like getting to meet lisa adds to the plot of getting to know new people in town. More exciting chapters are coming ahead, thank you:3 💜💜💜

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