Overwhelming Fear

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(Warning : lemon /sexual assault)

Tears Continue to stream down your face, the smell of the man's cologne is so strong you think your gonna vomit. The car parks, and the man drags you out into a old wearhouse looking building filled with cobwebs and old newspapers. The leader snaps his fingers, "put her in the chair" he orders. The slimmer looking man forces you into a chair and ties your hands behind the chair so you can't escape, the leader looks over to the skinny man "have fun" he says with an evil chuckle as he exists the building. Now it's just you and the one man, you try to hide your face in shame but since your hands are tied there's really no point in trying. " I'm Louie, and we are gonna get to "know" each other" Louie says with a evil grin. He walks over to you and grabs and lock your hair in his hands "such a pretty girl" he says as he takes his hands and rubs them over your arms and down your body. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks, this man's gonna fuck you. Because krusty owed a debt he couldn't pay a random man's gonna have sex with you. Granted he is a good looking guy, black afro hair and wearing a blue tux.  But you don't even know him, and you and Mel have a future together. So many thoughts are running through your mind at once, as Louie suddenly kisses you. You let out a gasp as he bites your lower lip seductively,  his hands tracing over your breasts. You begin to kiss back, this feels so good but it also feels wrong. Even though you and Mel aren't technically dating yet you still feel guilty, louie breaks from the kiss and rips your shirt and bra off revealing your breasts. He groans in lust as he quickly starts sucking your nipples, he bites them a little which makes your yelp. He chuckles and looks up at you " your really execpting your fate aren't you? " You're such a slut" he says and he continues your suck on your tits.  After a few attempts you free your hands from the chair. You take your hands and place them in his hair as you push his head down onto your breasts.  You feel a wetness start to form between your legs and you can see louie's erection through his pants. He notices me looking and quickly takes his  pants and underwear off, he's 8 inch's easily, it's also very thick and worry if I can even take it all. He puts his hands on his hips " alright girly let's see what you can do" he says. I close my eyes and sigh, I'm definitely gonna regret doing this. I'm just gonna pretend it's mel because honestly I wish it was, I timidly open my mouth and begin to suck the tip. He's already leaking precum like crazy as it drips down my throat. He grunts in pleasure as I swirl my tongue around the head of his penis, I then take his cock out of my mouth and take one long lick all the way down to the bottom of his shaft. " Damn your good" says louie. I try not to make eye contact with him, I shouldn't be doing this at all but I'm already in to deep. He pushes his cock all the way to the back of my throat as I gag, I try to pull back but he takes his hands and pushes me back down on his cock. I attempted to scream for air, but Louie just gave out an evil laugh. He then takes his hips and smacks it against my face as he starts fucking my throat hard, breathing through my nose is difficult but not impossible. His grunts and groans fill the empty room as he pushes his dick deeper and deeper in my throat, I can tell he's getting close. His moans are getting louder and he's thrusting faster into my mouth, another stream of tears come from my eyes. With one loud growl he releases his seed down my throat, there's so much more cum than I expected. I try to swallow as much as I can but still some leaks out of my lips and down my chin.


(Mel's Point of view)  It's been about an hour and I'm starting to get worried, Y/N said she would be quick yet I haven't seen her.  I see krusty exiting the studio with an unease look. I quickly get out of the car and run to him, "Krusty where's Y/N!?" I ask him. The clown puts his hand behind his neck and starts sweating, "well uh...ummmm" he trails off. Oh good God what has he done now? "Answer me!" I demand. "Look I owed the mafia lots of money and I told them they could have her until I gave them the money I owed" said Krusty with guilt written all over his face. My jaw drops, did I hear what I think I just heard? HE SOLD HER TO THE MAFIA!?  I begin shaking and my hands form a fist, " WHAT!? WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" I yell as I slap him across the face.  "Ouch! I deserved that..." He says. "Your damn right! Your gonna take me there right now and help me get her out of there!" I demand. " I can't do that! I owe them and they'll kill me!" The clown protested. As if my anger wasn't already at an all time high, it's about to get higher. "SHE'S A HUMAN BEING KRUSTY! YOU CAN'T  JUST SELL HER! WHO KNOWS WHAT THINGS THERE DOING TO HER RIGHT NOW!" I scold him. I grab his arm and take  him with me, "get in the car!" I yell as I grab my car keys. Finally, Krusty gets in and we were on are way.


" I'm gonna fuck you till you can't walk" says louie as he begins to take his shirt off.  "Please no, that's enough I have another man" I say trying to hold back tears. Louie laugh's "whether you like it or not it's gonna happen doll" he states as he unties me and quickly pushes me to the ground, with all of his body weight on top of me I can't get up or really even move. "Mel I'm so sorry, I wish we could have had a life together. I'll miss you" I say in my mind. Louie attempts to take of my pants but I try to kick him. "Feisty one arn't we?" He said as he tore off my underwear, "please I'll do anything else just not there" I beg. Before anything else could be said, a door slams  open. I gasp and turn my head as much as I can, but Louie is still on top of me holding me down. Through my watery eyes I think I see Mel, and krusty... Have they come to save me?

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