Life goes on...

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It's been a few weeks since the "incident" and I've been ok as much I can be. I've been having frequent nightmares about my kidnapping which was expected by Mel. "If you even need anything, please just tell me" he said. Of course telling my parents about what happened is out of the question, they'd freak out. And for good reason, but they'd want me to move back in with them and there's no way in hell I'm doing. I can still remembering waking up as a teenager to the sound of mom vacuuming...very irritating.  Mel has taken me on a few dates to the park, movie theater etc. After are date from the movie, me and Mel were discussing are thoughts on the movie. " I personally thought that the movie was poorly made, those actors must have been extremely underpaid" Mel stated in his cute little suit, as if he was dressed for church. " The entire movie was cheesy, typical girl loves boy story" I say with an eye role.  " But I'm glad I got to spend some time with you, you're so fancy and sophisticated sometimes I think I'm not good enough for you..." I admit. Confusion consumes Mel's face, " how could you even think that, I just wish you can see what I see" replies Mel. I turn away and blush, like an idiot 😳😩 Mel pulls his phone out of his pocket and exclaims "krusty is awake, he's ok! Well for now at least" I sigh and fake a smile "that's great ...glad he's alright" I say obviously faking my enthusiasm. I'm still pissed about the whole thing, I'm probably going to need therapy for what he did. Against my better judgement, I ask Mel If we could visit him. No longer  than 20 minutes later we head into the hospital, krusty is in the 4th floor and me and Mel stand in silence while the elevator takes us to krusty. I fiddle with my fingers, nervously. Mel catches my distress, and places his hand on my shoulder. " Y/N are you alright?" He asks. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine" I lie to him. Once in Krusty's room, the entire atmosphere changes. The hospital room is cold, and there's all sorts of wires and IVs hooked up to the clown. He opens his eyes as if he just woke up from a nap, and looks over to us. Mel approaches krusty with a sincere voice, "Krusty, how are you doing?" Krusty coughs and rubs his head, "eh I'm doing ok I guess. I could die right now and nobody would care" he says. " Now Krusty  you know that's not true, thousands of children adore you." Replies Mel. " I need a smoke" says the clown as he grabs a carton of cigarettes from his pocket and begins smoking. " You can't smoke in here, this is a hospital!" Protests mel. " Shut your trap will you? If the nurses catch me smoking, they'll beat me with an IV bag" says Krusty. My blood boils with anger, how can Mel be so nice to that clown, when he abuses him!? Not to to mention he caused his girlfriend to be kidnapped! "Mel can I PLEASE speak to you for a second?" I ask as my patience has already run out. " But we just got here-" I cut Mel off, "look fine I'll say in front of him then, how could you still be nice to that selfish good for nothing asshole!? He treats you like shit and he got me kidnaped! What kind of boyfriend does that?!" I yell. Mel looks devastated at what I just said, and I quickly regret yelling at him. " Look I'm sorry, I'm not so much as mad at you, I'm mainly mad at him." I say as I point to krusty who was too busy smoking to pay attention. "I'm sorry... I've been too selfish to do anything about it." Mel turns towards the clown and clenches his fists. "Krusty, what you did was disgusting and I hope you go to  hell for what you did!" Mel yells as he slaps him across the face and darts out of the room. I look back at Krusty once more and then  follow Mel. I catch up to him and place my hand on his back," no mel, that's not what I meant if you wanted to be friends with him that's okay I just....I was the one being selfish" I say  " No Y/N you were right, he was bad for both of us and he deserves whatever is coming to him. I feel like such a fool for treating you like this, in a way I let him get away with this." He says bowing his head. " Mel you are hands down the best boyfriend I've ever had. You treat me right, as an equal, as your partner, as someone you look forward to seeing every morning. And everything about you, from your hair to your acting I love it all! I love you" I say as I hug him. He's caught off guard first but then hugs me back.

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