Bumps in the Road

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Today I start my new job as one of Krusty's assistant, and I'm a nervous wreck. I heard that he once fired a man just because he didn't laugh at one of his joke. It's 8 am, I walk into the studio. I don't see krusty or Mel in sight. I just see some workers setting up the background set. I walk up to Mrs. Pennycandy and greet her with a smile, "well hello there Ms. L/N" Mrs. Pennycandy says to me. "Hello Mrs. Pennycandy" I say back. "Glad to have you on board, come I will show you around" Mrs. Pennycandy says as she leads to a hallway with four doors. "This is the actor's dressing rooms, and over here is the bathroom and breakroom" says the finely dressed Purpled hair woman. I look over to a door it's says "Sideshow Mel" on it with a star. I can't help but blush a little, remembering that I actually gave a celebrity a blowjob....Mrs. Pennycandy then leads me to a room with two desks. "This is my desk, and over there is yours" she shows me. "Today you can just settle in, move all your papers and files in your desk" she states as she sits down at her own desk. "Do you have any questions?" She asks. "No, and thank you for showing me around" I say with a small smile. "No Problem" she replies

About 5 minutes later as I'm just finishing organizing my files, the door slams open to relieve Krusty the clown looking annoyed. "I need you guys to move my 1 o'clock to 4 o'clock, and call my agent and tell him that I wasn't the one who spray painted "el Barto" on his car." Krusty said and he took a puff of his cigar. The smoke quickly entering the room, the smell almost deadly. "Yes Mr. Krustofsky, I will get right on that" said Mrs. Pennycandy. Just then Mr. Teeny came in and started throwing things around , "oh yeah and I forgot to give Mr. Teeny is medication... give it to him will ya" said krusty carelessly. Mrs. Pennycandy sadly sighed "yes sir.." Krusty and Mr. Teeny left  by rudely slamming the door. I look over at my new coworker, shocked about what just happened. She looked back at me embarrased and nervously pushing back her hair, "I-I'm so sorry about that...Mr. Krustofsky gets a little cranky in the morning" said Mrs. Pennycandy. "It's alright, I can help you clean up if you want" I replied.

So my first day wasn't that easy, I basically spend the whole day cleaning up the mess that krusty and his rabid monkey made. But I wanted to help Mrs. Pennycandy, based on her reaction this morning she's probably treated like a slave. On my way home for a long day at work, I stopped by the store to pick up a few groceries. As I was leaving the store, I was stopped by a tall blue haired woman standing next to a familiar looking starfish haired girl. "So your the woman who gave my lisa the Umbrella. Thank you so much for doing that, you have NO idea how hard it is to get rain smell out of clothing" said Lisa's mother. The woman had a odd raspy voice, but it was sweet"Oh well it was nothing really" I said with a warm smile. "You must be new to town, would you like to come to are house for dinner tomorrow night?" She asked. "I'd love to, it would be nice to meet new people" I replied. "We are the third house down on evergreen terrace" said Lisa's mother. "Ok great can't wait" I reply.

I'm sitting on my bed in my (favorite color) fuzzy pajamas, on my phone talking to my favorite person at the moment...Mel💜💜💜 "So how was your first day at work?" Mel texted me. "It was alright but it could have been better, I had to clean up a huge mess that Krusty's monkey made" I said. "I'm terribly sorry about that, Krusty can be a handful. Trust me I know" said Mel. "How come? What has he made you clean up a mess to?" I asked. "No, he often makes me preform in stunts that result me getting burned on getting my head hit by a fire extinguisher" Mel replied. I reread the text to make sure that's what he said. He abuses Mel!? "That's awful, you should really stand up for yourself" I reply. "It's no use, if I do he will fire me and I can't afford to lose my job" said Mel. "I'm sorry, is there anything I can do?" I ask "I'm afraid not dear, but do not worry. Get some rest, Goodnight" Mel said. Alright goodnight" I reply as I sigh out of sadness. No one should have to insure abuse for a boss, or from anyone for that matter. I mean what if one day he gets serious hurt or even gets killed? The thought sickens me with fear, but as Mel said there's nothing I can do. But I'm sure as hell definitely not gonna let him get killed. I lay my head onto my pillow and my eyes fall shut as I drift off into sleep.

*NOTE: Looking back I must have wrote the name Mrs. Pennycandy like 300 times 😂 New chapters coming soon so stay tuned, thanks!*

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