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WARNING: This chapter gets steamy, so read at your own risk

A few days have passed by since you've first met Mel, and you simply couldn't get him out of your mind. You hated yourself for doing this, but you couldn't help but fantasize about him. You imagined him wrapping his arms around you and kissing you slowly, his lips press against yours as you begin to moan in pleasure. You gently put your arms around his neck and Mel deepens the kiss. Nothing but those thoughts have been running through your mind since you met him. It's 11 in the morning, and you decide to give into your urges and pull off your shorts. Your already soaking wet from thinking about Mel and what you wished he'd do to you, in some ways your disgusted by this thought because he's a total stranger. You've only met him once and know nothing about him, he's probably a married man with children and some crazy lady is masterbating thinking about him! But you can't stop think of what it would be like to have him...just once. You'd want him to take your virginity, you'd want him to do so much more. You slowly slide your fingers over the lips of your pussy, it's glistening in your wetness. You take your index finger and slowly start to rub your clit, it sends shivers down your spine and causes you to bite your lip.  You start rubbing just a bit faster as you arch your back and pleasure and let out a moan, you imagine it's Mel taking his fingers and rubbing your soaking wet pussy. You begin to pant as your face turns red from arousal, the thought makes so damm horny you would do anything just to cum.  You spread your legs wider as you stick a finger inside your pussy, which makes you moan loud. "Mmmmmhh" you moan as you finger  yourself wishing so badly that it was Mel's cock. You take the tip of your finger and ease it in ever so slowly as you pretend it's the head of Mel's cock going inside you. Then you push your finger inside  and let out a elegant sexy moan. You push your finger in back and forth, at a steady pace and you continue to moan. You curl your finger up inside you making it hit your g-spot. You shriek in pleasure as your fucking yourself. "Oooh yes" you moan and you put a second finger inside yourself. You buck your hips against yourself, beginning to fuck yourself roughly now. You feel so dirty, so nasty and slutty and you love it. Your heart pounds so fast you think it's gonna come out of your chest. You can feel your orgasm approaching quickly, and your so ready to cum.  You continue to work your two fingers inside your pussy while you take your other hand and rub your clit as fast as you can. Your pussy juices are dripping down onto your bed, your sooo close.  You fuck yourself as hard as you can and you cum, you cum like you have never have before. Your orgasm explodes out of you. "Yes Mel!" you moan as you cum. You pant so hard as your pussy throbs, you begin to relax from your orgasm as you lay your head on the pillow. "That was amazing" you say with a mischievous smile. Yep, today is going to be a good day.

It's three in the afternoon and you decide to go job hunting. While driving through town you see a sign that says "Help wanted" the sign is on a building that says "Krusty Studios". Huh, I think I recognize that name. Isn't it that the name of the TV clown with the monkey? I've heard rumors over the years that he drank, smoke and secretly hated children and was only in it for the money. Those things were probably true but what mostly shocked me was the I heard that one of his ceral brands contained toxics metals in it. I walk into the studio being nervous, I see a clown who I presume to be krusty getting his makeup done by a makeup artist. I see a lady at a desk writing down stuff on paper, I let out a sigh and walk up to her. She's yellow ( of course) and has short light purple hair. "Hello, how may I help you?" She asked. "Hello, I'm here for a job application please" I reply. She grabs a small packet of papers and hands it to me, "here you are hon" she says. "Thank you" I reply, as I begin to walk out I see Mel, juggling in the corner of the stage. That's weird.. He looks over at me and smiles, "Y/N! What brings you here?" He asks. I blush hard remembering what I did thinking about him this morning. "O-oh, I came here for a job application" I say sheepishly as I push my hair back behind my ear.  Mel's eyes widened, "oh no! You won't ever want to work with krusty, it's a living hell!" He says. "Oh...I-I didn't realize" I replied. "Are you krusty's assistant or something?" I ask. "I am his sidekick, the children call me Sideshow Mel. I preform with him on the show" he says. "Oh that must be cool, getting to be on TV and such" I say. "It has it's ups and downs. Fame is such a fickle beauty" said Mel.  "I've always wanted to be a actor of sorts, I'm just to shy" I reply once again blushing. "I too once had stage fright. You seem to be very interested in my work, would you like to come over to my house tomorrow night? I can read over plays and scripts!" Says Mel. Oh my God, he just invited me over.......yesssss! At least now I know he has some interest in me! And all this time I assumed he thought of me as a weirdo! Ok calm down Y/N, you need to say yes first. I smile widely, "Yes, I'd love that" I reply. He reaches into his grass skirt and grabs a paper and pencil. He writes down his address. "Does 6 PM work for you?" He asks as he hands me the paper. I grab it "yes, that sounds nice....see you then" I reply. "Goodbye Y/N" says Mel. I walk out of the studio and hold the paper to my chest, I think I'm in love with Mel...

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