My Savior

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(Warning: mentions of blood)

With my heart pounding out of my chest, and my whole body shaking I managed to speak with my dry mouth. "Mel, w-what?" I whispered.  Mel looked at me with pure horror, tears forming in his eyes. "She doesn't need to be here, release her this instant!" Mel said to louie. Louie just laughed and shook his head. "And just who are you?" He asked. " I'm here boyfri-" he stopped himself and quickly looked at me then back to louie. "I'm her friend" he simply stated. "Well you two better get the hell outta here before I blow both your brains out!" louie threatens. Krusty flinches and looks over to Mel and gives him the "look you what you made do" look. I see Louie begin to reach into a nearby box behind us, probably about to pull out a gun. I gasp in fear "No please! Don't kill them, I-I'll do anything you want" I beg, knowing he probably wants sex most likely.  But I'm willing to do anything, if it saves krusty's and Mel's lives.  Louie thinks for a moment and looks over at krusty and Mel, "alright, I'll let you guys live but scram!" He orders. Louie leans down and begins to spread my legs "oh I'm gonna enjoy using you" he says. I look over at krusty and Mel and give them a look of fear, suddenly Mel pulls his bone out his hair. His long hair flows as he chucks his bone straight at louie's head. It hits him and he falls down the the ground, Mel quickly helps me up and we run like hell out of the wearhouse. "Bastards!" I hear louie yell, he's chasing after us. I continue to hold on to Mel's hand as he quickly opens the car door and we scramble in. The car starts as we leave tire marks on the road, louie gets inside his own car and follows us...great a fucking car chase. "Don't stop Mel, just keep driving!" I say. I turn around and I hear a loud noise in my ear, I scream as I realize he's shooting as us. "Damn it this is all my fault!" Krusty yells. "Yes it is!" Mel replies in anger as we speed down the road having absolutely no where to go. Another shot is fired, and krusty screams. I look over to him to see blood dripping down his arm and onto the car seat. "Oh my god! "He's been shot!" I yell as I frantically open the glove box and grab a handful of tissues and apply it krusty's arm. We quickly park at the back of Moe's tavern.  A little bit of relief washes over me I don't see any sign of louie or his car. "I think we lost him" Mel says between breaths.

(Sorry this chapter is so short! 😖)

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