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I open my eyes, my entire body feels soar and uncomfortable. There's brusies and cuts all over my legs and arms, they sting like hell. I slowly wobble into the bathroom and attempt to clean my wounds with a wet washcloth, I cringe as the cold water enters my open soars. After cleaning them, I see the sun shining through the window. I must have slept in very late.....what happened to krusty? The last thing I remember is driving him to the hospital, a mixture of consern and anger filled my mind. That bastard sold me for dead all because he has a gambling addiction, not to mention he ruined me and Mel's relationship.  I wip out my phone and text Mel.

Me: Is everything ok? I just woke up

Mel:  Are you ok dear? I was terribly worried, I'm in the hospital waiting room at the moment. The nurse said Krusty has lost a lot of blood and isn't in good condition, but he has a 50/50 chance of survival.

Me: Oh I'm sorry, I don't remember much from last.

Mel: It's alright, I'm going to my mother's to clear my head. I will speak to you later ❤️

Me: ok ❤️

A day passes, and I invite Mel over to my house to talk about the situation. I greet him with a awkward smile as he walked into the door. "Soo, how have you been?" I break the ice nervously. He clears his throat, "well based on the situation we were in I say I'm doing alright" he replies with a half smile. I lower my head, I can't help but feel bad..I messed up Mel's life by putting him through this, if I didn't come into his life non of this would have happened. And as for krusty  even though he deserved it, I feel bad for that old clown. " Look I need to be honest, I feel absolutely terrible. I put you through this, you a cultured sophisticated man and I put you through this rat race. Not only that krusty could die, he was a selfish inconsiderate asshole but I still feel terrible" I blurt out. Mel looks at me for a second and says " look I'd admit I didn't enjoy partaking in a car chase halfway through the city, but I did it for you. I wouldn't have done that for anyone else except my family, and although we did partake in ....relations.. very early on in are relationship I don't regret it one bit. Before I was a lonely batchalor, but I feel a whole new happiness when I'm around you" 
I blush and hide my face, gosh this man knows how to push my buttons... But wait...oh no. I start remembering what me and Louie did, I need to tell Mel right now. I brace myself for screaming and never seeing the man I so dearly adore again. "Mel, while I had been  held in that wearhouse,...horrible things happened" I say tears forming in my eyes and I begin to shake. Mel places his hand on my shoulder, "darling what happened?" He calmly asks me. I turn my face away from him, " I- I blew him.. I was kinda forced but I knew I had no choice or he'd kill me. I feel disgusting, I don't wanna be with any other man that you! I know we're not dating but still I feel as if I betrayed your trust" I admit to him. He stares blankly and clenches his fists, " Your right.. we aren't dating but I'm very jealous" he says. " The near though of another man touching you makes me want to tear my hair out" he states as he stands up in front of me and holds my hand.  " So to make sure than no one else with touch you, I'm asking you..will you be my girlfriend?" He asks with a smile. I'm absolutely blown away, I was positive that as soon as I told him that would be the end. But he's asking me out!? Quickly my shocked face turns into a happy " of course I will" I say as he kisses me passionately. I think I've found the man for me 💜

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