On Edge

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I sit down on the couch my with a huge dirpy smile on my face. I'm actually going to his house, it's like a date....I mean on one end I'm ecstatic, I'm finally going to get to know this man who've I've dreamed about so many times now. But I'm also so nervous my hands are shaking. Millions of scenarios are going through my head right now of how many ways I can screw this up. He probably thinks I'm some crazy fan girl, or a psychotic killer. He is such a  fancy, cultured and sophisticated man, and I'm just me....I need to quit worrying so much but I can't. I run myself a bath to calm my nerves, and it does fantastically. As I step my toes into the warm bath water it feels as if all my stress is melting off of me. The bath bubbles form around me like a soft sheep wool blanket, the formation of the bubbles almost reminds me of mel's hair...puffy hehe. I gently rest my eyes as the steam from the bath rises over your body. *BEGINNING OF DREAM* I open my eyes to see Mel standing there in a tuxedo with a bottle of wine, one hand is on his hip and he's giving me very sexual bedroom eyes. I gasp as my eyes widen, "Mel! H- how are you??" I ask like an idiot. "Y/N, I came here because I must confess my feelings for you. I can't hide them any longer, I crave you!" Mel exclaimed. I put my hand to my mouth in shock, "I...M-Mel I feel the same way" I say. He smiles and hugs me tight, I reach around and hug him back. My arms around his waist as I bite my lip. "I must say I never believed it love at first sight....until I met you darling" said Mel. My heart is racing, I'm sweating like crazy and I can't help but let out a chuckle. "Mel, I've thought about you for a while. I can never get you out of my mind, I- I need you" I say. "And I need you as well" he replied and he kissed me. His lips pressed against mine...I moan in excitement, I can't believe the man I fantasize about so much is kissing me. He kisses gently and passionately, just like I thought he would, I run my fingers in his green fluffy hair as his tounge enters my mouth. He wraps his arms around my waist as I kiss him back with intense arousal. We break the kiss for air as he smiles at me once again, he takes me to the bed and we lay down. He's on top of me, he takes off my shirt and undoes my bra. My breasts reveal to him. He makes a sexy smirk, "oh my they are so beautiful" he starts sucking on my nipple as I gasp. Feeling his warm wet tongue swirl around my sensitive tits, I arch my back and place my hands on his back. I can feel his erection through his pants....oh god this feels so good. "Mmm yesss, yes Mel" I moan out in pleasure. He massages my breasts every so nicely, we kiss again and it feels like I'm on cloud 9. He slowly takes off my pants to reveal my soaked panties. He leans down and takes my underwear off with his teeth. Oh I could just cum from watching him!  Finally I'm bare naked in front of him, ready for whatever he's got for me. He takes his hands and runs them down my belly, over my hips and down my thighs. Almost touching my aching pussy, he places small kisses on my thighs and over my pubic bone. He grazes his mouth just over my pussy lips, teasing me. "Oh please Mel, don't tease me anymore! I'm ready" I say eagerly. He puts his face down in front of my pussy, giving me the most horny smile ever. And then, I open my eyes and he's gone? Wait- Shit, all that was just a dream! *END OF DREAM* the bathtub water has gone cold and the bubbles have subsided. My toes and fingers are prooned, I look at the clock...I've been in here for two hours! I'm lucky I didn't drown. I sigh as I get up out of the tub and dry off and put my pajamas on. I walk into my room and sit down. Damm, I wish that dream hadn't ended so quickly...

It's a new day, but not just any day. Today is my "date" with Mel, and as usual I'm freaking out like an animal caught in a trap. It's about an half an hour before It's time for me to go over to Mel's house and I'm doing last minute touch ups on my face and hair. As I straighten out my dress I try to calm myself down by playing some music on my phone. Music tends to calm me down in stressful situations,  such as this one. I'm wearing my black heels and my (favorite colored) dress with a nice necklace. As I drive to Mel's house, it's evening and it's beginning to sunset. A beautiful mixture of pink and orange in the sky. With birds flying over buildings, such a pretty site. "420 Evergreen Terrace, yep this is it." I say. It's a pretty standard neighborhood, but of course Mel's house appears to be the most appealing to look at. He's got a nice arrange of flowers in his garden, with a bird bath and some birds currently bathing in it. So cute! I park my car as I timidly walk up to his house....this is it Y/N! I take a big breath and ring the door bell. Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into?

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