A bit Tipsy

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Today I had dinner with the Simpson family, quite a odd family actually. Marge, so sweet and tries to keep the family together yet sometimes the family's shenanigans put her to her breaking point. She gave up her dreams to be with Homer, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Homer, the drunken idiot who was constantly put down by his father. Yet somehow he managed to marry a sweet woman who can put of with his tomfoolery. The boy, bart who is nothing more than a little troublemaking bastard, however at times he does have a good side. Lisa, she's only 8 but has the highest IQ of the family, very opinionated and says what's on her mind. Then there's Maggie the baby, nothing really to say much about her. She doesn't talk yet.   


Me and Melvin had just got back home from dinner, you talked about Shakespeare cause that seems to be his favorite thing at the moment. While you were listening to his lecture on "how today's music is terrible" you were to occupied on looking at him. When he talks about something he knows a lot about, a certain spark of passion lights in his eyes and everything stops to listen to want he's saying. Tonight you've learned a lot about Mel, one that he does this thing when he's saying something he makes cute little hand gestures. Another thing that he is very opinionated and cultured, and much like Lisa he speaks his mind whenever he feels like it.  You and Mel are a tad bit tipsy since you guys have a few margarita's at your dinner date, you sit on the couch and Mel follows suit. He wraps his arm around and smirks, your first instinct is to blush and hide away. But since your intoxicated, you lean in and kiss him passionately. You wrap you arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist. You moan into the kiss as your fingers russell through his thick green curls.  His hands rub up your back he places his hands over your bra strap, "may I?" He's asks. You nod and he very gently takes off your bra and removes your dress, it's cold in the room which gives you goosebumps and you cover your breasts with your hands.  "S-Sorry it's kinda cold in here" you say "don't be shy dear, I won't judge you" replies Mel. You slowly remove your hands from your breasts to reveal your perky nipples, Mel smiles "My my, I must have hit the jackpot" says Mel, you giggle and look back at him with lust. He removes his clothing and out springs his errect penis, you still can't get over how delicious it looks. He kisses you and slowly lays you down onto the couch, you wrap your legs around him and continue to make out.  His hands cup your cheeks then drags them down to your tits. He rubs them with such ease, as the feeling of his hands feel amazing. You start to moan as your feel your pussy getting wet, you take off and panties and spread your legs. "My dear, you must be a virgin" Mel says as he looks at your soaking wet vagina. Before he can ask, you give him a nod of approval. He leans his head down and takes his hands and rubs over thighs. This sends waves of pleasure through your body as you know what he's about to do, he gives your pussy lips a tiny kiss, then kisses your clit. You bite your lip in pleasure, he very gently flicks his tounge against your clit which makes you gasp in ecstasy. He's barely started and your already sweating.. He looks up at you with greedy eyes and takes his wet tounge and drags it up your slit. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you let out a moan, you curl your toes as he starts licking your pussy faster. You take your hands and move them through Mel's hair as he's eating you out. The feeling he's giving you is indescribable, intense feeling of constant pleasure is rising within you. He begins to lap at your pussy hungerly, you once again bite and your lip and moan "yess". You can feel your orgasm building, like a clock ticking, your orgasm gets closer and closer. You begin to breath harder, Mel takes his thumbs and moves tiny circles around your clit. Your close to cumming, Mel sences this and rubs your clit faster. Suddenly, like a damn bursting your orgasm washes over you and you cum on his face. A loud moan eacapes your mouth, Melvin laps up all your juices and sits back up leaving you a phanting mess. " I hoped you enjoyed that dear" said Mel. I catch my breath "yes- that was absolutely amazing" I say as I push my hair out of my face. " Well the pleasure isn't over yet, I want to make love" Mel said in a sexy smooth voice. My eyes widen " I'd love to" I say and Mel lays down over me and gets into position, " if it's too much just let me know and I'll stop" Mel said. "Ok" I reply as I brace myself. The tip slides in and pain shoots through me, but it's not as bad as I presumed. Once fully inside me, the pain was replaced with pleasure. I moan as the feeling of being stuffed with his cock feels so good, he kisses my lips passionately as we stay in position. He gently bites my lip and makes me giggle, he chuckles as well. He begins to slowly pump into me, tiny thrusts as I moan loudly. I couldn't help it, his big cock sliding in and out inside of me feels like heaven. He grunts and growls which turns me on even more, my nails scratching his back as he's holding me close and continuing to fuck me. Never would I have ever imagined to make love to such a good looking guy, I'd always thought I'd have to settle for what I can get. But I was wrong, so wrong... The couch begins to shake as he starts fucking me harder, his grunts and my moans becoming louder. I'm sweaty, my hair is in my face and I'm lying naked on the couch..but I don't care. At this moment time can stop it's self cause right now all I care about is Mel. Another orgasm is coming and it's going to be even better this time, I can also tell Mel is also approaching his orgasm. Finally, my pussy clenches Mel's thick cock and I cum all over his dick. Leaving it soaked and covered in my juices, then Mel let's out a loud moan and warm white spurts of cum shoot inside my needy pussy. "mmmn fuck" I moan as we both calm down from are orgasms. The couch is soaked, and are clothes are all over the floor. I look over at him and smile " thank you, that was great" I say as I pick up my clothes and start putting them on. Mel does the same " your welcome, I quite enjoyed that myself" he says. Now clothed, we walk into the kitchen "do you want something to snack on before you go or?" I ask. " No thanks dear, you were a full course meal" Mel says with a wink. I giggle at his reamark, and sit down at the table.  " There's something I wanted to talk to you about, I don't like the fact that krusty is treating you like he is. Just because he's a celebrity doesn't mean he can treat normal people like shit" I say as I look into his eyes. Mel frowns, " oh come now he doesn't treat me that badly, it's.... business" he says. "That's bullshit, he gives you bruises and cuts and hits you all the time. This is not a healthy way of living, even for the extra money it's simply not worth it. And I'm not just saying this cause we had sex, I truly admire and care about you and hate to see you treated like this." I reply. Mel looks down and sighs "alright, if means that much to you I'll talk to him" he replied. I smile and give him a huge hug, "I know this is probably to early but...I love you Melvin" I say. "I love you as well" he replies.

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