New Day

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You wake up with the sun in your eyes, and birds chirping outside. You yawn as your flutter your eyes open, you check your phone and you've got a text. It's from mom, it says "Morning honey, how was your first night alone? Hope your doing well... would you like me and your father to come over and help you unpack?" "Yes that would be nice, you can come at noon. Love you" you reply. You get up and head to the empty kitchen, after looking for about 5 minutes you settle on waffles, you eat then you go into your room and get dressed. You pick out a cute (favorite color) tank top with some black leggings. You brush your hair and put on your makeup. You hear your parent's pull up into the driveway and head to the door to greet them. "Hey pumpkin, oh wow what a cute house!" Exclaims your mom, "thanks mom" you say. 2 hours go by of nothing but you and your parents helping you move, " Y/N you have no food here. You really need to go shopping." Your mom says "yeah I know, I've only been here for one night though" your reply. "Yeah well still, you need to go now. Me and your Dad will stay here and finish up while you go to the store" your mom demands. Ugh even when your an adult living in your own house she's still treating you like a child. I sigh, "fine...I will be back soon I love ya." You head out the door and drive away,  whist your driving you notice that this town is very weird... the people are yellow! I'm sure it's something you could get used to in time. You finally find a store called the "kwik -E- Mart", you go in and start buying stuff. You see a huge plate of donuts, all different flavors. They look absolutely delicious, but your here for normal stuff not junk your looking for food something catches your eye. You see a man, he's not your typical "tall and tan" guy. Rather he's a bit short and has a pale yellow skintone. His hair strikes you the most as odd, it's a mint green color with a fluffy beehive shape...and he's got a bone in his hair. Though this may seem very strange to others your find him quite attractive and fascinating. He's wearing a grass skirt and brown shoes, and he's not not wearing a shirt. He looks like a caveman of some sort, he's got big eyes that would sparkle in the sun.  Suddenly he looks over to you and approaches you, "do you know where the eggs are?" He asks,  your blushing so fucking hard right now...he's got a Shakespearean/ english accent. It's damm sexy that's for sure, I clear my throat sheepishly and say " I- I think their in the next aisle" I say. "Thank you,  heaven knows where anything is in here, they have the ice cream next to the motor oil!" He exclaims, you giggle like a little school girl. Ooh god why must you be so cringy Y/N! "That's weird" I reply with my face still red as a strawberry. "Indeed, I'm Melvin but you may call me Mel" he says. "Nice to meet you I'm Y/N" you say. "See you around" he says with a smile as he walks off. Good lord that was intense, I didn't think he'd actually talk to me! His voice is like a inpowering. Soon you head home back to your parents, you walk into the door and the house doesn't look like an empty shack anymore. You look around in amazement, "Wow, you guys really made this place look nice. Thank you" you say. "No problem honey, I'm sorry to rush but I must be getting home, I need to feed Ruby." (Ruby is the family dog)   "Alright then, love you guys" you reply. "We love you to!" Your mom and dad say in sync as the close the door and leave. You put your groceries away and sit on the couch, you can't stop thinking about Mel. His face and voice is stuck in your head. Great now your day dreaming about him, so typical. You wonder if you'll ever meet him again, you sure hope so.

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