Taking Action

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About a month has passed since I told Mel to speak to krusty, and he hasn't yet but he waited till he got his paycheck so he could save up a bit until he starts working his new job. But he is going to this afternoon, which I'm happy yet nervous on what Krusty's reaction will be. Me and Mel's shift just ended, the time has come for Mel to stand up for himself.

(Mel's point of view) I walk in Krusty's dressing room, he's sitting the his chair smoking a cigar. My fresh cuts I got from today's show and stinging and soar, I have to do this! Krusty looks over at me with a sour expression, bags under his eyes and hair in knots as he takes another puff of his cigar.  "What do you want? I already paid ya" spoke Krusty with his old scratchy voice. I look down and my legs and arms, covered in cuts and scars and nasty bruises. Anger bubbles inside me as I clear my throat. " Krusty over the past 8 and a half years that I've worked for you I've had to indur physical and mental pain. You have caused me absolutely nothing but hell!" I explain. Krusty rolled his eyes in annoyance, "what are you gonna do, sue me?" He replied. " As much as I'd like to, no. But I quit!" I yell as I slap him across the face and slam the door.  A huge weight is lifted off my shoulders as I walk down the hallway to see Y/N.

(Back to normal point of view)

I smile as I see Mel approach me with a relieved face, I give him a hug and we kiss. "Mel, I'm so glad you finally did it. Your free..." I say when suddenly a door from down the hall opens. "Oh and you can tell your little girlfriend she's fired!" Yells krusty and then slams the door shut. I stare blankly for a minute to comprehend what just happened. Mel puts his arms on my shoulders, "darling I'm so sorry! It's all my fault I shouldn't have - ". " babe, it's fine really. It was worth it to see you happy" I say as tears begin to develop in my eyes. "Give me a few minutes to gather my stuff and I'll head out" I said. Mel's face was full of disappear and sadness "would you like me to help you, please?" He asked. " No no, it's fine it will only take a few minutes" I replied as I head into my office. " I'm gonna miss you, it was a pleasure to meet you" I said to Mrs. Pennycandy, " I hate to see you leave so soon. Maybe we can have coffee some time" Said Mrs. Pennycandy. " I'd love that" I replied as I packed the last of things in my bag. I gave her a goodbye hug and headed out the door, I was about to leave when krusty approached me. " Hey come with me real quick" he said kind of nervously. "Uh, ok..." I said unsure of what was going on. I walked behind him and inside his dressing room was a plus size italian man holding a cigar with three other small men standing beside him. The fuck, is this the Mafia!? I screamed in my head.  " Ah krusty for once you held up your end of the bargain" said who I presumed to be the leader, he had a typical italian accent but it was low and smooth. "Yeah..so you guys are gonna get off my back now right?" Krusty said sweating while running his hand on the back of his neck. "This time yes" the italian man replied. "Now you my dear are coming with us" said the Mafia leader. Just then the three shorter men came to me and grabbed my arms, " hey what the hell?!" I screamed. I tried to get away but the men were to strong and dragged me out of the back door studio and put me into there car. "Mel, help me! SOMEONE please!" I continue to scream but one of the men duct taped my mouth and held me down. Tears stream down my face as I sob quietly, where the hell is Mel!? And why would Krusty do this to me?! Millions of thoughts run through mind at once, I'm either gonna be tortured for a long time or killed. My life as I knew it was over, just at the prime of my life and it's over now. I'm never going to see anyone ever again, and no one is going to ever know what happend to me. The car drives off fast as the man continues to hold me down, gripping at my hair. He grabs my chin and forces me to look up at him, " don't be scared sweetheart. We're gonna take good care of you" the evil man says with a smirk on his face.

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