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Camila had put her hair up in a ponytail. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She didn't wanna go to her classes today. She just wanted to stay in and sleep. She grabbed her bag by the door before she went to her friends room and checked on her roommate. "Dinah?" she asked, pecking her head through the door.

She saw Dinah laying in her bed, sleeping. Camila sighed and walked over to her bed and poked her back. "Dinah? Wake up." When Dinah didn't didn't move she poked her back harder. "Are you not going to classes today?"

Dinah slowly lifted her head to look at her friend. "No," she said with a raspy voice.

"Alright," Camila said before she left her room and left their apartment.

She had walked around the campus and had gotten herself a coffee before she headed to her first class. She walked in to class, a couple of students turned to look at her as she did, and took a seat in the back and took out her supplies needed for that class. The rest of the day went by fast for Camila and she found herself back in her apartment. She checked on Dinah who was now studying surprisingly. "Well look who's awake," Camila started, walking into her friends room.

Dinah looked up from her book. "Oh, hey. When did you get back?" she asked, shutting her computer.

"Just right now. Why didn't you wanna go to class today?" she asked her.

"I had a massive headache," Dinah told her. "I feel better now though," she gave her a small smile.

"That's good. So what have you been doing?"

"Studying," Dinah said sighing," I have a big test coming up."

"Dinah Jane studying?" Camila's asked teasingly.

"Yes!" Dinah told her. "I do study."


The next day, Camila had went to her news class when she heard everyone talking about a big artist who was apparently going to visit their school. Camila walked in to class and took her seat. Once the teacher came in he started talking about this big artist who Camila didn't know was.

"So," Mr. Henderson began," as most of you know a very big artist will be visiting our campus." Multiple students nodded their heads around the room. "Lauren Jauregui will be visiting in the next week and will be interviewed by one of my lovely students from this class!" He said excitedly.

"Are you serious?" A girl from the back asked. "From this class?"

"Yes," Mr. Henderson chuckled," Ms. Jauregui is such a wonderful artist and I'm so happy that one of you will interview her. And I already picked out who is going to interview our special guest."

Everyone in the room suddenly got nervous and quiet. All the students looked at Mr. Henderson, eagerly waiting to see who got picked. "Now, I chose this student because they have done a couple of interviews in the past for me and has done quite well with all of them. Now I don't want anyone getting offended if I do not pick you. Let's all be nice, alright?" he asked and looked at everyone. Everyone nodded, including Camila. "I have picked Ms. Camila Cabello."

Camila's mouth fell open and all eyes in the room went to her. The bell rang right after and Camila was thankful that people started to exit the room. As Camila was packing up her stuff, she heard someone say,"congrats Camila. You deserve it."

She looked up and saw the girl who had asked Mr. Henderson a question earlier. "Oh, thanks," she smiled at the girl. She walked up to Mr. Henderson's desk. "Um, Mr. Henderson?"

He looked up from the paper he was currently grading and smiled at her."Yes, Ms. Cabello? What can I do for you?"

Camila took a second to think of what she wanted to say. "Uh, I really appreciate you picking me to interview Ms. Jauregui," she told him.

"It's no problem," he smiled,"you deserve it. You've done very well with your past projects so I wanted to pick you for this one."

Camila smiled,"Thank you." She then looked down at her hands, playing with her fingers. "But, if I'm being completely honest I have no idea who this artist is."

"You don't know who Ms. Jauregui is?" Her teacher asked shocked, eyebrows raised.

Camila slowly shook her head,"Uh, no."

"Oh, well Ms. Jauregui has been a famous artist for years. She's been painting since she was a teenager. I love her work," her teacher smiled. "You'll just be asking her a couple of questions and if you need help we can make some tomorrow after class?"

"Absolutely, I'll be here," she smiled, waving at her teacher. "See you tomorrow Mr. Henderson."

She walked out of class, sighing. Camila couldn't believe she was gonna interview a big artist. She had no idea who she was but she felt nervous. She would look her up when she got home.

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