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Lauren had felt bad that she wasn't going with Camila to the club because on the phone she sounded like she really wanted her to go. Lauren knew she could have taken a little break, but she just really wanted to finish her painting. When Lauren said she wanted to paint everything that her and Camila saw that day, she really meant it. Camila couldn't really picture it, but Lauren could. She had painted the park they went to on the top left. There was a little shop that they went to and that was on the top right. The rest of the bottom was the beach they had went to, which was probably Lauren's favorite part of that entire day. She had never seen Camila smile so much and that was what made her happy. She loved seeing that girl happy. If Camila was happy, Lauren was happy. That's all Lauren wanted to do, was make Camila happy. She just wanted to protect her and love her, give her anything that she needed. Lauren was happy to do those things. She wanted to spend her life with Camila. Maybe even start a family someday. Lauren had so many plans for them that she hadn't even told Camila about. They had only been together for a couple of months, but it had felt way longer than that to her. She hoped Camila felt the same way she did. She hoped that Camila wanted to spend her life with her. If she didn't, Lauren would understand. All she wanted was for her to be happy and if being with her didn't make her happy, she would let her go. She would let her find her own happiness even if it wasn't with her. It would hurt like hell, but that's how much she loved her.

She was still admiring her painting when she heard her phone ring. It was from her mom and she answered. "Hello?"

"Hi honey. How are you?" Clara did sweetly though the phone.

Lauren chuckled a little at her moms excitement. She always sounded like that even if they were having a simple conversation. "I'm doing good. How about you?"

"I'm good, thanks hun. Um, listen, me and your father were supposed to go on vacation this weekend to this resort in Palm Springs, but sadly my work won't let me have the days off." Clara told her.

"Aw, that sucks mom. Why won't they let you have it off?" She asked.

"Works just really busy right now. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go. You could take Camila and you guys can have a little getaway. It could be fun for the both of you."

"Uh, I'm not sure mom. I'll have to ask Camila and see if she's doing anything. How would we get there though?" She asked.

"You'd fly there. We already have the tickets and you guys won't have to pay for anything. There will already be food in the room so you guys won't have to worry about that either. The only thing you'd really have to worry about is money for a taxi to get you to your room. It don't want it to go to waste so I thought I'd offer it to you." Clara finished.

"Here, I'll talk to Camila and I'll tell you what she says, okay?" Lauren said.

"Okay, let me know. Bye baby, I love you," she told her.

"I love you too mom, bye," she said before she hung up.


The next day, Lauren had called Camila to ask her about the trip. She didn't call her yesterday cause she wanted Camila to enjoy herself and let her have a good time. It was around noon when she called her and when she picked up, she heard her girlfriend grown into the phone. "Uh, babe?" Lauren said.

"Yeah," Camila sighed. "What's up?"

"Is everything alright? Why do you sound all miserable?" She asked.

"Nothing, my heads just pounding right now," Camila told her.

"Oh, I see. Babe, how much did you drink last night?" Lauren asked concerned.

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