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A couple of minutes had passed and Camila was still in the restroom. Should she tell Lauren about this? She did just find it. She wanted to confront her, she just didn't know how though. Did she still wanna go on this trip with Lauren after finding this? She didn't know. She just had to get out of this apartment. She felt hurt that Lauren didn't tell her this. She was gonna have to make up an excuse to get her out of going to Palm Springs.

She put the pack back in the box and put it back where she found it. She headed back to the living room and rubbed her stomach, a sad expression on her face. When she walked into the living room, Lauren noticed her girlfriends expression and got concerned. "Babe? What's wrong?" She got up from the couch and went to Camila's side.

"That Chinese food make me sick and I threw up," Camila lied.

"Aw, baby. Are you okay?" Lauren rubbed her back.

Camila shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to go this weekend. My stomach just really hurts."

Lauren nodded. "It's okay. We can go when you feel better."

"Dinah's downstairs. I called her to come pick me up," Camila got her bags and headed towards the door, wanting to get out of the place as soon as possible.

"Oh, okay," Lauren frowned. "I'll call you tomorrow to see how you're doing."

Camila nodded and kissed her cheek. "Sounds good."

Lauren gave her a small smile and a wave as Camila closed the door. Camila made it downstairs and called Dinah for her to pick her up. She had to lie to Lauren saying that Dinah was already downstairs because she didn't wanna be near Lauren right now. She had to get away from her. Dinah soon got there and they both headed home. "Alright, so what the hell happened?" Dinah asked as they she was driving.

Camila sighed. "My stomach was started hurting," she rubbed her stomach to make it seem believable.

"Bullshit. Why did you really ask me to pick you up? I had to leave Mani and Ally at our place because you called," Dinah turned left.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry. I completely forgot you were inviting them," Camila shook her head.

"Yeah, well I did. But back to you, what happened?"

She sighed again. "I found a pack of cigarettes in her bathroom."

Dinah's mouth opened in shock. "What?!"

Camila rubbed her hands together. "I know."

"Did she tell you she smoked? Did you confront her about it?" Dinah's hands squeezed around the steering wheel.

"No, I just left. I couldn't go to all the way to Palm Springs with her acting like everything was fine when it wasn't. So I lied," she rubbed her forehead.

"Ay Camila. You need to learn how to speak up and confront people. You're not gonna let her get away with this. You're gonna talk to her about it," Dinah parked in their parking spot.

"I know, I will." Camila nodded.

Once they headed inside, Dinah told Camila to put on her pajamas and join them in the living room. She did and they all watched movies together. She found it hard to focus though. She kept thinking about what she found. What was she gonna tell Lauren? She was gonna confront her about it. She knew that for a fact. But what would happen after that? Was she gonna end their relationship? She didn't know. Her eyes started to get heavy and she fell asleep.


Do you smoke? Could Camila really just ask her like that? It was so straight forward. Camila didn't wanna waste time and wanted to get straight to the point. But how would she bring it up? It was the next day and Camila was going over everything in her head. How was she gonna do this? She had no idea how, but she wanted to figure out something soon. "Should I tell her in person?" Camila asked Dinah while they were both sitting on the couch.

Dinah looked up from her phone and shrugged,"I don't know."

"Wow, thanks for being super helpful Dinah," she got up and went to the kitchen.

"Well what do you want me to say? It's your relationship. How am I supposed to help you? You and Lauren have gone through some crazy shit and I just don't know how to help you," Dinah shrugged.

"You know what?" Camila grabbed her keys by the door. "I'm gonna go over to her place right now." She left the apartment and headed straight to Lauren's. She had to get some answers. She was gonna find out why Lauren hadn't told her she smoked.

She pulled up to her place and wasted no time heading straight into her house once Lauren opened the door. Lauren was confused. "Hey babe. Uh, are you okay? Are you feeling better?"

"No. No I'm not okay. I'm definitely not okay Lauren," Camila walked around the living room back and forth.

" there something that's bothering you?" Lauren made her way over to her.

"Yes, there is," she ran upstairs and headed back down once she had the pack in her hands. "What the hell is this?"

Lauren's eyes widened slightly once she saw what was in Camila's hand. "Oh, um...,"

"Lauren, what the fuck is this?!" Camila yelled.

"Okay, please let me explain?"

"Please do," she told the artist.

"Okay, well remember how my mom freaked out when she saw me drinking?" Camila nodded. "Well, I also used to smoke. I stopped years ago, I didn't even know I still had that."

"Alright, well Lauren you have to tell me these things. We have to be honest with each other for this," she motioned her hands between them. "To work."

"I know," Lauren walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. "I know baby."

Camila sighed into her shoulder. "You scared me."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry babe. I promise I'll be honest with you from now on," Lauren rubbed the smaller girls head.

Camila pulled away and smiled at her. "Okay, good." She squeezed her girlfriends hand. "Oh, I have to tell you something."

"What's up?" Lauren asked.

"I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow. The man. I talked to Officer Jones yesterday and I decided that it's time I finally get this over with. I wanna move past this so it's all happening tomorrow," Camila finished.

"Wow, that's good babe. Really good," she smiled. "I know you're gonna get through this."

Camila kissed her cheek and hugged her again. She couldn't help but think about the hard day she was gonna have tomorrow.


This fanfic is coming to an end. There's only a couple of chapters left. I'm sorry if there were any mistakes. Please vote and comment!


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