What had Happened

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Graduation was so close. Everyone had parties when you were gonna finish school. They were all gonna start the next chapter of their lives. That was something to celebrate about. One of Lauren's friends was throwing a huge party that the whole school knew about. Lauren knew she should celebrate these last couple of fun nights with her friends because soon they would all be heading their separate ways. Lauren knew there would be lots of alcohol at the party, but she told herself that she was only gonna drink a little since she had to drive herself home. She would just drink a lot and stay the night at her friends house, but she knew that there would be a lot of people at her house the whole night so she decided shed just return home after.

Lauren arrived and it was drinking, loud music, beer pong, and dancing for hours. She did a little bit of everything. She danced to a couple of songs with her friends, she played beer pong, and she drank and chatted with her friends. It was around one o'clock in the morning when Lauren's head was spinning. She knew she had to head home before her mom started worrying. She knew her mom would be pissed if she didn't show up so she had to go. She didn't even say bye to her friends because she was so dizzy. She was drunk, but somehow made it pretty far. That was until she heard a loud honk and saw two headlights run straight into her car. Her car spun around in circles a couple of times, but the other car rolled over multiple times. When her car finally stopped moving she had a cut on her right eyebrow that was bleeding. She had hurt her left arm from hitting the car door.

Her head was laying on the steering wheel then she slowly started lifting her head up. The crash had definitely woken her up out of her drunken state. She looked around panicked, moving her head around to look for the other car. She tried to open her door, but it was smashed in because of the other vehicle. She had trouble taking her seatbelt off, but she did it. She got out from the passenger door and looked around. She didn't see anything till she looked on the other side of the road towards the trees. The other car was by a big tree, completely wrecked. She had rushed over and had trouble looking inside to see if the people were okay. She was only able to open the doors a little because they were so smashed from all of the tumbling. She looked inside the passenger side and saw a woman. Her face covered in scratches that were bleeding. Lauren out her hand to her neck and felt no pulse. She freaked out, but got even more worried when she went to the other side and saw a man who also had no pulse. That when she started crying. She cried and cried and cried. She was screwed. She thought she was gonna go to jail. Her life was gonna go down the drain. What would her parents think? What would happen to the family of the people she killed. The accident was her fault. She was the one who was passing out and went into the other lane. She was about to call an ambulance when she completely lost her mind.

"No one's here," she thought. "No one saw. I could just run away and move after gradation."

She really thought about it. Her life was just gonna begin and she was gonna start the next chapter, a new beginning. She drove her car into the trees by the other car and ran. She didn't look back. She's never told anyone m. Camila was the first one to find out. It was her parents in the car. Lauren felt guilty when she saw the accident on the news. Reports saying how the police were looking for the other person in the car. They never found out it was Lauren.


Camila hadn't slept since she found out the truth from Lauren. She had been crying so much that she wasn't able to sleep. She had been crying so much that there were no more tears left. She felt so betrayed. The person who she was in love with lied to her. All those times that Camila was telling Lauren about her family and stuff, Lauren knew that it was her parents she hit. She finally decided to tell her and they were now here.

Dinah was pissed when Camila told her what happened at Lauren's. She cried with Camila because she knew that her friend had to be hurting bad. Dinah couldn't even believe that Lauren could do something like that. Dinah had actually trusted Lauren to be with Camila. She liked Lauren, she really did. She thought back to the time when she was at the diner with Mani and Ally. They had told her that something had happened on her past that had completely changed her. The accident was what had changed her. Everything was all starting to come together now. She shook her head and looked at her friend who was laying on the couch. She was watching an episode of friends, but she wasn't paying attention. When a funny part came on, she wouldn't laugh. She wouldn't do anything except lay there. She had been like that for the past couple of days. She felt like she couldn't trust anyone.

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